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"I can't believe you actually beat me! I'm a pro at bowling!" I cried, as Jack and I exited the bowling alley. He chuckled and turned to face me.

"Since I win, do I get a prize?" he winked, I blushed faintly and leaned up, gently pecking him on the lips.

"There." I muttered, trying not to blush. Jack chuckled and tucked a lock of my purple hair behind me ear.

"Cutie." Jack teased, poking my cheek, I instantly growled and Jack almost began running.

"No! Jack, I won't be able to run without falling on my face!" I shouted after him, jogging slightly.

Jack broke into a sprint, leaving me to chase after him, which was the most dangerous thing I could've done.

"Jack, if I fall, I'm going to blame y-" I squealed as Jack lifted me and threw me over his shoulder. He began running again and my squeals soon turned into laughs.

"Jack-put-me-down-please!" I said in between laughs. My sides were tickled as Jack ran to the car, I was flailing my arms about, trying to escape Jack's ticklish grip. He laughed like a maniac before responding.

"NEVER!" he shouted and froze as a gun shot echoed through the air. Jack immediately sprung into action and dashed to the car, immediately throwing me in and trying to buckle me up with shaky hands.

"Jack, Jack? I got it!" I said, as his hands refused to leave my seatbelt alone.

"Stay in the car, okay? Don't come out unless I tell you to, promise?" his eyes were full of worry, I nodded as he closed the car door, the interior lights immediately blacking out, leaving me in complete darkness.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and clenched my eyes shut, I shouldn't of come with Jack, I barely knew him, I barely knew what was going on right now, but either way, it still horrified me to no end.

I heard extra footsteps pass the car, and I was sure they weren't Jack's, he had a way of walking that made his footsteps sound different to everyone else's.

I froze as they passed, hoping they wouldn't realise me sitting here, as soon as the footsteps faded, I relaxed again, but still kept on high alert, in case anything happened.

"I told you we'd find you again, didn't I Jack?" a voice asked, it sent shivers down my spine and made goosebumps raise along my skin, I knew he was dangerous.

"Just fuck off, I told you I'd repay you, and I have." Jack responded sharply, I felt as if I was stuck inbetween something extremely dangerous.

"We've changed our mind on the payment, we want something a little extra." the smirk was evident in the other guys voice.

"No way, no fucking way." Jack stated, his voice filled with anger, "Not her."

Her? Did he mean me?

"I don't think you have a choice."

"I have every choice, she's not going with you, don't involve her in this." Jack's voice wavered a little, the other guy was beginning to get to him.

"I know she's in the car." I stifled a gasp and my hands began to shake, my eyes filled with tears that were threatening to spill. "How about you bring her out, so I can meet her?"

Jack sucked in a quick breath.

"No way." he responded, taking a step back, closer to the car.

"Do it or I kill her." the other guy threatened, Jack froze and opened the passenger door for me.

"Don't let go of my hand." Jack whispered in my ear as he lifted my shaky form out of the car.

I gripped onto Jack's hand for dear life and kept my face buried in his shoulder.

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