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There was a loud gunshot and my phone fell to the ground as I clutched my stomach, the wound that had just been made was bleeding heavily, and I doubt it was going to stop soon.

The kitchen door burst open as I fell to the ground, tears were rolling delicately down my face, I had gritted my teeth together, to refrain from screaming, but it didn't stop the groans that escaped my lips.

I caught sight of Jack at the doorway, a gun in his hand, his face was masked with anger, it was obvious he wouldn't hesitate to go for the kill.

"Where the fuck are you? Come out!" Jack shouted, taking weary steps into the kitchen, another gunshot sounded, and the sounds of shattering glass followed shortly behind.

"Jack!" I groaned, pressing my hand against the wound, trying to stop it from bleeding. His face softened as soon as his eyes found me in pain, Nikki rushed in and helped carry me away, she made a startled sound every time a gunshot sounded, but still bravely carried me out of the room.

"Get her somewhere safe, please." Jack pleaded, his brown eyes twinkled with worry, Nikki nodded and Jack's expression changed back to angry as he inspected all the possible hiding places in the kitchen.

"Where the fuck are you hiding?" Jack cursed, I could hear his weary footsteps through the kitchen, Nikki laid me down on the couch and made me hold a few tissues to my stomach, she then dashed up the stairs, on a hunt for Alex.

I heard another gunshot and clenched my eyes shut.

'Please let Jack stay alive.' I prayed, trying to forget about the pain in my stomach, and forget about the possibility of Jack getting hurt.

Alex ran down the stairs, a gun in his hand and Nikki propelled herself over the stair banister, landing gracefully beside Alex.

"Take care of her." Alex kissed Nikki on the head and dashed into the kitchen, Nikki sat in front of the couch by my feet, her gun was held up, as her twinkling brown eyes scanned the room for the threat. Despite how menacing she looked, Nikki still look pretty, she looked pretty in any situation, at least that's what I think.

We both jumped at the sound of another gun shot, my blood went cold as I heard Alex groan, Nikki immediately jumped up and ran into the kitchen, leaving me defenseless, I wasn't blaming her for anything, but that was a pretty bad idea. I pushed the tissues harder against my stomach and winced against the brutal pain. Why didn't Alex or Nikki get me out of here when they had the chance? I probably wouldn't be bleeding out.

I opened my eyes, not realising I had closed them, and came face to face with someone I couldn't recognise, then suddenly, all my senses were cut off, and everything went black.


I woke up in an odd smelling room, the scent was a mixture of musk, mothballs and a dead animal carcass all mixed together. I tried covering my nose with my hand, but found that it was stuck beside me, both of my arms were secured with duct tape; making it impossible to move them.

"HELP." I cried, to be honest, I wasn't sure if I was in danger - I just wanted to block that horrible smell from my nose.

Observing my surroundings properly, I noticed the lack of furniture in the room, there was literally nothing apart from dusty floorboards, that seemed as if they were covered in ash, and grey cement walls that would be impossible to break through.

My wrists and ankles were taped to the other, leaving me immobile on the floor, the panic was settling in slowly, I never really panicked much, until someone I cared for was hurt, then I panicked like a maniac.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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