Chapter One: Tutor Girl

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Kwon approached Jiyeon with a sly grin on his face, leaning casually against her locker

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Kwon approached Jiyeon with a sly grin on his face, leaning casually against her locker. "Hey there, brainiac," he said, his tone teasing. "I need your help with something."

Jiyeon raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his approach. "And what makes you think I'd want to help you? You're the epitome of trouble."

Kwon chuckled, clearly unfazed by her cold demeanor. "Oh, come on. Don't you want to help a poor, struggling soul like me?"

She rolled her eyes, shutting her locker with a sharp click. "Struggling is an understatement. Last I heard, you're failing half your classes."

Kwon shrugged nonchalantly, as if his academic downfall wasn't a big deal. "I'm just not a fan of studying, you know? I prefer the more interesting, exciting things in life."

Jiyeon crossed her arms, shaking her head. "Exciting things like getting into trouble and annoying teachers? You're a walking disaster."

His smile widened, undeterred by her sarcasm. "Hey, it's all part of my charm. But seriously, I need a tutor, and you're the smartest person I know. Can you really say no to this face?"

He gave her his best pitiful pout, trying to appeal to her sympathy.

Despite herself, Jiyeon couldn't help but crack a small smile at his antics, though she quickly masked it, not wanting him to see her falter. "And why should I help you? What's in it for me?"

Kwon smirked, leaning in a little closer. "Well, besides the satisfaction of helping a handsome guy like me, I can offer you some... perks."

He glanced around to make sure no one was listening before continuing in a low voice, "I've got access to some pretty useful information. Gossip, secrets, you name it. And I'm willing to share if you do me this favor."

Jiyeon couldn't deny that the prospect of valuable information piqued her interest. She raised an eyebrow, considering his offer.

"And what kind of information are we talking about here?"

Kwon shrugged as if it were no big deal. "Oh, you know, the usual. Who's dating who, who's failing what class, which teacher to avoid... stuff you might find interesting."

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