Chapter Three: Called On

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Jiyeon and Kwon sat in their seats, listening intently to the teacher's lecture

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Jiyeon and Kwon sat in their seats, listening intently to the teacher's lecture. Suddenly, the teacher called on them.

"Jiyeon and Kwon, please come up to the board and solve these equations."

Jiyeon stood up immediately, composed and confident. Kwon followed suit, a hint of nervousness flickering in his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to recall the steps he had learned during their study sessions. But the pressure of being in front of the entire class made his mind start to go blank.

Jiyeon noticed Kwon's nervous expression and turned slightly toward him.

"Just take a deep breath and focus," she whispered, her voice low enough so only he could hear. "You've done this a hundred times. You know how to solve these equations."

Kwon took a deep breath as she spoke, feeling a wave of reassurance wash over him.

"Yeah, you're right," he muttered back. "I've got this."

He looked at the equations on the board again, his nerves gradually subsiding. With newfound confidence, he started working through the steps, remembering the formulas and methods they had practiced. Jiyeon watched as Kwon worked, her expression a mix of concern and pride. Despite his initial nerves, he was performing well, demonstrating the knowledge he had gained from their study sessions.

As Jiyeon began solving her own equations, she moved with precision and practiced finesse. Her hand glided across the board like an artist creating a masterpiece. Each solution was neat, organized, and correct, a reflection of her mastery.

Kwon paused at his final step, glancing over at Jiyeon for reassurance. She gave him a subtle nod, silently acknowledging that he was on the right track. The small gesture seemed to give him the confidence he needed to finish the solution.

The class fell silent, some students looking at the board in disbelief, others with admiration. The teacher nodded approvingly, recognizing that Kwon had indeed gotten the correct answer.

Jiyeon glanced at Kwon, noting the mixture of relief and pride on his face. She smiled faintly, satisfied with his performance.

Kwon returned her smile, a rush of excitement surging through him. He had not only solved the equation correctly but had done so in front of the entire class—under her watchful eye.

As they returned to their seats, Kwon couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Maybe he wasn't so bad at this after all.

Jiyeon leaned over to him as they sat down, keeping her voice low. "You did well," she whispered, her tone conveying both praise and a hint of surprise. "Maybe you're not as hopeless in math as I thought."

Kwon chuckled, trying to maintain his cool demeanor despite the praise. "Don't sound so surprised, Tutor Girl," he responded, a smug little smirk tugging at his lips. "I told you I could do it."

Jiyeon rolled her eyes, but she couldn't resist a small smile. "Don't get too cocky now. One successful equation doesn't make you a math genius."

Kwon smirked, enjoying the banter. "Oh, don't worry. I'm just getting warmed up. You wait and see—I'll be acing all these equations in no time."

Jiyeon couldn't help but chuckle at his overconfidence. She knew he still had a long way to go before he could consistently ace his work, but his newfound determination was endearing.

"Well, don't get ahead of yourself," she cautioned. "You still have a lot of catching up to do."

Kwon shrugged, still sporting a cocky grin. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But mark my words, Tutor Girl. I'll get that C or higher on my next test, and then you'll owe me that karate lesson."

Jiyeon raised an eyebrow, both amused and wary of his persistence. "You really want that lesson, huh?" she asked, a hint of skepticism in her voice.

Kwon nodded, his smirk still in place. "Of course. I never back down from a challenge."

He leaned closer to her, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Plus, I'd love to see you in that gi."

Jiyeon rolled her eyes, though a faint blush colored her cheeks. "You're impossible, you know that?" she replied, trying to sound annoyed but failing to hide her amusement. "Why do I even put up with you?"

"Because, deep down, you begrudgingly enjoy my company," he teased, crossing his arms.

Jiyeon tried to maintain her stoic expression, but the corners of her mouth betrayed a smile. "I wouldn't go that far," she replied with a hint of sarcasm. "Your company is... tolerable, at best."

Kwon feigned hurt, dramatically clutching his heart. "Just 'tolerable'? Ouch, Tutor Girl. That hurts."

Jiyeon shook her head, feigning annoyance at his overdramatic gesture. "Get over yourself," she said, shaking her head. "Now focus on the lesson before the teacher notices you're not paying attention."

Kwon chuckled, his attention shifting back to the lesson. "Fine, fine. I'll focus."

He glanced at her once more, his smirk still present. "For now, anyway."

Jiyeon shook her head but couldn't help a small smile. Kwon's relentless flirting and determination were both irritating and... intriguing.

She turned her attention back to the lesson, making sure they both stayed focused, despite his occasional glances in her direction.

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