Chapter 9

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POV's Virmha
I would like to inform you that their will be a coming party and program for our foundation.Every year we are celebrating this.So every one's presence is a must. It is a compulsory no body is exemted.Dont you all worry because no fees to be collected this is all for free. We have the program the intermission number, games, dinner, drinks and give aways, for sure to those who are newly, you will enjoy this. (We all claps our hand)......when mam v finished she asked us.who else have a questios? Pls stand. Yes raymond? Maam what will be our outfit?good question.ok, boys outit must be polo with slacks semi formal because this is like a fine dining, we have our catering and set up is like your in a their will be a lot of round table and skerting balloons and waiters to serve you.Maam ask Junna, outfit for girls mam? Ofcourse., you should wear cocktail dress im excited to see you all beatiful. when i heard it, i am dis agreing!excuse me maam, yes Angel, what if you dont feel wearing that dress...will their be another option? Honestly maam i cant afford my self wearinng that kinda sexy outfit...polo t shirt maam maybe i could.Haaahaha!!!why ?then try wearing it distime.She just laugh... no more questions? Yes joy? When will be that mam and the venue? That will be on next week, here is the venue at the car park. Many of  my friends who were lesbian dis agreing too. When the meeting done we all talk.
Shitt! what the hell were goin to wear? I cant make it happen i cant make it possible i told them. I saw Che in disgrace, she obviously got worried about the outfit.  Che stand and express her thought to us..How I wish we could have freedom to wear what makes us comftable.Honestly I cant dare it not even try it.ewww!!! I could probably jump into mount everest than pushing me to wear those ugly outfit. We think the most posible excuse on how we could escape from wearing it. 
I think again in my own way.What if i should ask her personally, maybe she will listen at me, but how? I cant even speak to her or even see her eye to eye.Worst if i beg her and owe this.That plan made my mind spoiled.Its useless!! This is such a big problem and serious, i cant imagine my self  wearing too sexy like cocktail.. i think I could make my head broken.. thats enough about thinking no more idea come my mind that time but to go straight home and have a little rest in my room.

when the next morning came. I went for work again having this bad mode. I hated her for making this bullshit concept about the outfit, anyway its not her fault, only a very bad tyming for us who were lesbian were unfortunate really true.Im nervous because its rapidly approaching.I wish she will change her mind, if she really like me she will.Maybe i will believe to shane words that she felt desame way too. Im happy secretly  about it even i dont know her real feelings for me yet.Sounds silly but it mades my bad day good. Im eager to see her again this morning hope shes already there.
I stepped down from jeepney and headed to emloyee's entrance and proceed to locker rom andput my bag and fixed my self.When im done i went up and when i was stepping hurriedly i noticed someoneon my back going up too.I turned back and i was so surprised its her. I did nothing but wait her and i greeted her good morning maam!! Pleasantly she respond, good moring too Angel!. She smiled and i smiled back at her too.I felt that i was to lost my balance, im floating. We went together upstair and we just changed our way when  I have to get my cash box at the accounting department.I said good bye to her with a little shamed and dis comfort.I could'nt move that time the moment she left me and headed to her office.Gosh!! Shes so pretty! If only I could tell you how much you mean to me and how truely you give me an inspiration towork hard everyday. The reason behind there was you Miss V.I love you!! I uttetered to my self.After those  stupid act I made i went inside the accounting area to line up for my cash box. When I already got my cash I went straight to our OIC office to have  a pep talk.Im excited because shes  the one to discuss it.Obviously Im in good mood.Nothing comes my mind evrytime I saw her I even forgot my problem about the outfit. Last time I talk to our supervisor Sir Dan, that Im not going because I really cant, Sir got angry that time telling that he would tell that to Miss V.We just all remain quite .Sir Dan is a gay thats why outfit for him is a big deal.. He scolded us espicialy those who were planning to backout.I could still remember his words "you all were so wierd and kill joy! you didnt even know how to go with the majority. Almost were wanted to wear  that cocktail, and few of you lesbian girls do  not.This is just once, not again so why dont  you tried it  nothing will gone, Only that stupid pride you all have,( pointing us).After those un edible word he had spoken he walked out scratching his head.

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