Old Valentine's Day

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Frank was sitting at the restaurant waiting for Antonia. He was hoping she would show up. It was their first official date. They met a few times before and knew they were a good match and decided to take the things seriously. He knew he wanted to marry her. He was really nervous in that moment. He wanted everything to be perfect.

Antonia arrived at the restaurant. She was perfect. She will a great wife Frank thought. She sat down and looked at him. «Hi, Frankie.» she said smiling at him.

«Hi, Toni.» he said. A waitress came to take their orders. Antonia started to talk about her day, what she had done, what she would do the next day. Frank let her talk and looked around to the other people in the restaurant. He needed to do all the right move that night. There were a lot of old people that night. Everyone seemed to be so happy. In his heart, Frank wanted to be like them when he would be their age: happy and still in love with his wife.

«Frankie, did you listen to me?» Antonia asked.

«What? No, sorry. I didn't listen. I... was lost in my thoughts.» Frank answered. After a sigh, Antonia said: «I was telling you I only want two children. A boy and a girl, possibly. First a daughter and then a son. No other children after the boy.»

«Fine by me. Two seems a perfectly reasonable amount.» he said. That was a lie. He didn't want children. Not even one child. He hated children so much, but he needed to have them since everyone expected him to do so. «Maybe we can have twins. A boy and a girl.» he said. With twins they could experience everything only once with two children and not separately.

«Good idea.» Antonia said. Frank was so glad she said that. What he didn't know was that Antonia didn't like children, but wanted to have them because that was what people expected from her. She really wanted to be child-free. They were a burden to her. They would discover about their thoughts about children after a year of dating.


Abraham was sitting on the couch watching television. His parents had the children that night, so he and Eve had free reign of the house for Valentine's Day. His wife was making dinner. It was the first time in a while she was making dinner. Abraham asked her to make some Tuscan butter scallops for dinner. He wanted to eat something special and different that night. It was a special night after all.

Eve came in the living room. «Dinner is ready, my love.» she said smiling and hoping she didn't messed up with the dinner. Abraham got up and followed his wife in the kitchen. The dinner looked so good. He sat down and took some food. Eve sat down and looked at him smiling. «I hope you like it.» she said. They talked a lot during the meal. Abraham really loved staying alone with his Eve. He loved his children, but he also loved when they were away. Bartholomew was a great son and a good student. Abigail was a good and respectful daughter who did everything around the house. Delilah was a little spoiled, but she was still a good daughter. The twins were very active children and made a lot of pranks. Abraham was so proud of all of them, but especially of the two oldest. They were two gems, although he didn't like that Abigail didn't want to become a nurse like her mother and preferred to study English and literature. She will change her mind was what Eve always said to her husband every time they talked about that.

After they finished eating, the couple went to their bedroom. That night they wanted to have sex. They didn't have sex in a while and that was the perfect night. Abraham had everything ready for that. Rose petals and candles on the floor. Eve was so happy in that moment. She felt so special. Yes, she was mad she had to make dinner, but she was still happy.

They laid on the bed and started to play a little before having sex like usual.


Agatha was with her husband Russell at Saporita, eating some pizza. They never liked expensive meal and preferred eating some pizza at Valentine's Day. She was thankful that her son and daughter-in-law were working that night, and the children were home. She would give them a call later to be sure they were fine.

«I will take the Diavola.» Agatha said.

«The Porca is the one for me.» Russell said. A waiter went to them and took their orders. Agatha looked at her husband. She was happy to be there with him. He was her first and only live. They went through a lot of stuff.

Russell took her hand and said her: «I'm so glad to have you as wife. You are a great person. I took you something.»

He took something from his jacket. It was a ring box. «I liked it and thought you could like it.» Russell said. It was a very beautiful ring with a ruby as the stone. «It's beautiful!» she exclaimed. He put it on her finger. Agatha was so happy in that moment. She was lucky to have Russell as her husband. He was a great man and she hoped they could live until they were old. She hoped they would die together. She didn't know he would die less than a year later due to leukaemia.


Ezekiel was waiting for Abigail to arrive. They were going to spend Valentine's Day together. It was their first Valentine's Day as a couple. The plan was to meet their best friends Aaron and Ruth and to pass as their chaperones. Nobody knew it was a double date.

Ezekiel and Abigail loved each other even if they were so young, at only 15 years of age. Ezekiel knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. She was the one, his soulmate, the missing piece of his puzzle. He didn't care if their parents weren't happy. He had his siblings on his side. They were the only ones to approve of his relationship with Abigail on his side of the family. Both his parents were only children, and his grandparents all died when he was really young or even before he was born. His parents wouldn't approve of Abigail.

He saw Abigail coming towards him and smiled. He was so happy to see her. She looked great. «Hi, Abby.» he said.

«Hi, Zeke.» she said smiling at him. She was nervous. It was their first Valentine's Day that night. Ezekiel looked around and gave her a little box. «There's your gift inside.» he murmured to her. Abigail opened it. It was a pair of earrings. «Ruthie told me you wanted them, but your parents didn't want to buy them for you. You can tell them it was a gift from your grandma. They won't challenge her about this.» he said. He was right. Her parents kinda hated her grandmother, but they wanted her money so wouldn't tell anything about her new earrings if she lied to them.

«Thank you very much, Zeke. Here's my gift.» she said giving him a package. It was a Harry Potter mug. She knew he would love that and so it was. He was extremely happy about the gift.

Aaron and Ruth arrived, and they all went to dinner. Abigail was sad she couldn't live her relationship with Ezekiel more openly, but at that time it wasn't possible. Their parents would have killed them if they discovered them. They needed to wait to tell everyone else about them. Four people knew about them at the moment, although Abigail had in her plans to tell her grandmother about them sooner or later. She loved her so much she wanted to call her first daughter Agatha liker her grandmother. She was her true mother. Eve Armstrong gave birth to her, but she wasn't a good mother. Abigail had the impression her mother hated her.

She sent away the bad thoughts about her family and concentrated on that night, on the people she actually loved and cared for. She knew that night was going to be great.

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