Loving a friend

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It was my first relationship I was fighting for
it was my first relationship I was crying for
with someone who seemed to be everything I needed
because I forgot that my pure mind gets excited

that's why I came back to dreaming big and planning far
I wanna change the history that's a ploy thorn to the star
that's why I should be with someone who you couldn't be
who would give the feeling which you couldn't give to me

and I'm not scared of the respect I have for us both
it's not like I didn't love it's different kind of love
cause this stupid reality morning and night shifts
they replaced our connection our power, feelings

I would like to hug you tight and once more just go to sleep
but it won't solve our problems your dreams aren't deep
waking up without you going to sleep after you
what have happened what we did I don't get it give a clue

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