Once Upon A Time, Not Long Ago, I Was A Ho

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I apologize for any typos ahead of time, Wattpad likes to mess with me.

Normal is English

Underlined is Japanese/Akan (depending on context)

Italics is for thoughts or emphasis

Bold is for telepathic conversation.

Hope you enjoy!

When you had first shown up in this world, you knew you were in Demon Slayer when you saw the familiar Entertainment District.

Having no place to go, of course you'd seek refuge in one of the lesser known brothels of town. However, many had rejected you due to the color of your skin, believing it to bring bad luck to their already thinning success.

Only one house was willing to take you in, and that was the Kougyoku House. Known for their rising fame for having foreign beauties, you were exactly what they wanted and you found shelter with them.

For the first few months of your new life in this world, you had to learn certain traditions quickly, as their customers were demanding more availability. At first, the hosts were hesitant on pushing you due to the fact you were still so young and skipping so many ranks. They didn't know you were actually 20 before being transported here in the body of a 14 year old.

The house didn't enforce the Japanese language onto you, as to keep some of the foreign mystery an exciting factor. This meant that most of the other courtesans spoke their native languages, sticking to their respective sisters.

You were surprised to see that even the non-black women of America were kind to you, regarding the time period. It didn't take long for you to realize that it was because you were all on the same boat. Women far from home, speaking a language few others could. Finding familiar folks gave a sense of comfort, and a sisterhood was formed instantly.

However, you did find yourself bonding with other women outside of America and Japan. Specifically, other witches. What words couldn't explain, magic filled in. A wordless bond established between your spiritual sisters, and you became the most comfortable you'd ever been in weeks.

During the time you were there, you learned many traditional dances and songs, the instruments still needed a bit of work. You would've been fine simply being a maid in this place, but the hosts were against it, due to infamous events in America and you being one of the few black girls in their house.

As of the moment, you were practicing the shamisen with your fellow sister, Lupita. She had come from Ghana, kidnapped and taken to America at a young age, before being brought to Japan and left for dead. Lupita had already been through so much, so it was an understatement to say that she was overjoyed to see another black witch when you arrived.

Lupita took care of you like you were her own, protecting you from trouble and teaching you the Japanese culture as well as any tips in witchcraft you didn't know before. Your power as a witch grew, your talent along with Lupita’s teachings brought you to a level you never knew.

She was quick to clock that you traveled through time and space. Your spirit was an open book, and she tended to speed read. It made her more caring over you, knowing what she knew of you and your world. You felt safe as long as she was near, probably the only person that could understand and welcome your situation the best.

Siesie wo gyinabea, onuawa.” She hummed in Akan, tapping the side of your arm with her bachi. Because you didn't understand her words, she infused them with magic so that the message would go through better than charades.

Witch Pillar (Various! Demon Slayer x Milf! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now