I've Always Loved Him

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Badboyhalo's Pov:

It has been about 3 weeks since Skeppy has woken up, and thankfully, he is finally starting to walk again. Of course, sometimes he still needs a bit of support, but now he can actually move his legs and put strength into them. He really is recovering fast. This has greatly improved Skeppy's mood. I can tell because even though Skeppy managed to keep smiling and push through each day when he wasn't walking, his small grunts when he wanted to get up and start walking but then realized he couldn't, and his face abnormally serious face as he was quiet when Melody or helped him get on and off the wheelchair indicated how Skeppy was frustrated with his condition and felt quite uncomfortable. I feel like this made Melody and I even more determined to help him and make things as comfortable as possible for him.

So you can imagine how thrilled Zak got once he started to finally walk again, after being so determined to regain that ability through physical therapy. I remember the huge smile on his face when he took the first few steps by himself once discovering that he could walk again. Seeing him so happy made me smile and be happy as well. I cherish these moments of accomplishment from Skeppy as he recovers, truly showing how strong he is. Both physically and mentally, as he keeps pushing forward. Skeppy is truly amazing. I can't imagine what it must be like in his position. But now, I bet he feels more relieved as it is clear to see that there is improvement.

Now that he can walk, it seems like Skeppy has so much energy. Whenever he sees an opportunity, he wants to get out of the house to do things such as grocery shopping, eating at a restaurant, or even just going on a walk through a park. He seems very lively now, and it's just endearing to watch. I now have even more motivation to spend some time with Skeppy just to be there and witness the positive energy flowing around him. Just seeing him do simple, happy gestures is enough to warm my heart.

Skeppy and I have even gone back to making content, which has made the fans very happy. They still don't know about what happened to Skeppy, and honestly, it might be better that way. Everything really seems to be looking up. You could almost call this perfect. Well, I feel like it would be perfect if... well... it might be a bit selfish for me to say this, but things really would be perfect if... Skeppy and I were dating. Sometimes, I have really gotten the urge to ask Skeppy, but it doesn't feel like it's the appropriate time, even though I now know that he does indeed have feelings for me.

I feel like it wouldn't really look good on me if I just date someone else out of nowhere so soon after breaking up with Quackity. But even though it feels selfish of me to want to date Skeppy, I have a feeling that I'm not the only one who thinks that we should date. Recently whenever Skeppy and I have a nice moment together seemingly by ourselves, I sometimes end up catching Melody's gaze in the distance, and it always seems like she is silently urging me with her eyes to make a move on Skeppy. I would think that it's nothing if it weren't for the fact that she not only sends those subtle signals with her eyes, but also with a cheeky smile, or a gesture with her head towards Skeppy.

Those moments make me flush a bit in embarrassment, and even though I want to follow through with Melody's advice, I feel like I should be patient and wait for a while longer. But even so, sometimes I can't help but get the sudden urge to steal Skeppy's breath away with a kiss whenever he smiles, laughs, or looks at me endearingly. But, alas, I have to hold in the urgency in the meantime. I really hope that I can someday freely express these emotions towards Skeppy.

Currently, all three of us, Skeppy, Melody, and I, are eating at the dining table having lunch. We are all causally chatting with each other as we eat the delicious food that Melody has cooked for us. She has mostly taken the job of cooking meals for us, and I have every so often made my specialty pastries. Melody is a very good cook, perhaps even better than me. Unlike Skeppy, who barely knows how to make a few dishes actually taste good, which is why I mostly took over the kitchen when Skeppy and I were living together. Naturally, I have teased him a few times about how his sister can cook very well while he can't. Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that he can't cook at all, as I have sometimes eaten some fairly good meals that Skeppy has cooked, but I like to get on his nerves a bit, just like how he likes to get on my nerves. An exaggerated amount may I add.

Anyway, as the three of us are eating,I can't help but sometimes stare lovingly at Skeppy for a bit too long. He just looks so happy as he eats, along with his cute hums and sounds of enjoyment as he tastes the food. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Melody looking at me as I stare at Skeppy. I turn to look at her, and once she sees that she has gotten my attention, she gives me a cheeky grin and raises her eyebrows tauntingly. She's discreetly trying to tease me. I embarrassedly look away as I feel my cheeks heat up a bit. I then perk up as Skeppy says, "Melody, is it just me, or has your cooking gotten better during your time here?"

Melody says, "Hm, I don't know... has it really?"

"I think it has... maybe even your baking has gotten better as well! You should bake something sometime soon, I bet it could taste better than Bad's baking."

Skeppy gives me a taunting smirk. This muffinhead- he's really trying to get on my nerves now, huh? Well, it's working because I let out a gasp of offense. I say, "That's preposterous! Nobody can bake as good as me! You know what- I bet I can even cook better than Melody if I absolutely give it my all! I bet she can't make as many good meals and pastries as I can!"

I know that a part of it is a lie, but I'd like to keep my pride going strong right now. Melody raises an eyebrow at that. She says, "Oh, is that so? Are you trying to challenge me, Darryl?"

"Hm, maybe I am!"

Skeppy brings his hands together at that, making a clapping sound, signaling that he has an idea. He exclaims, "I know! What if you two have a competition of who can make the most delicious meals and pastries! I'll be the judge!"

Melody giggles and says, "Are you sure you aren't just saying that so that you can freely eat some delicious food?"

Skeppy lets out a little chuckle and says, "Mayyybeee... but it's still a good idea, no?"

I say, "Are you sure you aren't going to be biased, Skeppy?"

Skeppy looks at Melody and I in turn. He then shows a sincere smile, no sign of jokes or teasing visible. He says, "Well... I can usually be very biased towards the both of you, but when you're competing against each other? It's impossible for me to be biased in that situation! You both are very important to me, so I couldn't help but judge fairly!"

That shouldn't have made me feel as good as it did. There is a fluttery feeling in my stomach at the thought of me being almost, if not, having the same level of importance as Melody for Skeppy. It makes me feel giddy inside. I can't believe he would really admit it like that. Fudge... I really do have it bad for Skeppy. I'm so in love with him that such comments or compliments seem to be like blessings for me. I'm starting to feel convinced that I really have always loved Skeppy, I just didn't know it.

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