Jimmy's tyrannical father figure to Askel

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Here are the dialogues and scenes depicting the intense interactions among Jimmy Crystal, Mr. Mason Wolf, Diane Foxington, and Askel:


### Scene: Crystal Manor - Jimmy's Office

*Jimmy Crystal is pacing angrily in his office. Mr. Mason Wolf stands before him, his usual charm replaced by a tense, defensive posture.*


**Jimmy Crystal:** *(furious)* Wolfe, you've really done it this time! One more catastrophe, and I swear I'll pull the plug on your entire operation! I've got my eye on your piece of the pie, and it's shrinking fast!

**Mr. Mason Wolf:** *(trying to stay calm)* Jimmy, it's not as simple as it looks. There were unforeseen complications. You know I'm doing everything I can.

**Jimmy Crystal:** *(snarling)* I don't want excuses! I want results! Your incompetence is costing me, and if you can't fix it, you'll be out of a job—permanently. Leave my office now!

**Mr. Mason Wolf:** *(gritting his teeth)* Fine. I'll handle it. But don't think this is over. I'll be back with answers.

*Mr. Wolf exits the office, slamming the door behind him. Jimmy's rage is palpable.*


### Scene: Crystal Manor - Diane's Room

*Diane Foxington is pacing in her room, her usual elegance replaced by a fierce anger. She's just had a heated conversation with Jimmy Crystal about Askel.*


**Diane Foxington:** *(furious, voice trembling with anger)* How dare you accuse Askel of being weak, Jimmy! He's worked so hard, and you're tearing him down!

**Jimmy Crystal:** *(coldly)* It's not about tearing him down. It's about making him strong. He's got to be tougher if he's going to survive in this world. Your precious little tiger cub needs to toughen up.

**Diane Foxington:** *(snarling)* And you think belittling him will help? You're just using him to make a point! He's not a tool for your vendettas!

**Jimmy Crystal:** *(angrily)* I'm not using him! I'm preparing him for reality. If you can't see that, maybe you're the one who needs to rethink your priorities!


### Scene: Crystal Manor - Askel's Bedroom (Night)

*Askel is asleep in his bed. The room is dimly lit. Suddenly, he is jolted awake by a loud crash and Jimmy Crystal's enraged voice.*


**Jimmy Crystal:** *(roaring angrily, banging on the door)* Askel! Get up! You think you can just sleep while the world crumbles around you?

**Askel:** *(startled, rubbing his eyes)* Uncle Jimmy? What's going on?

**Jimmy Crystal:** *(storming in, livid)* You're weak! You've let yourself become a liability. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? If you're not strong, you're nothing. People are taking advantage of you, and it's your fault!

**Askel:** *(confused and scared)* I'm trying my best. What do you want me to do?

**Jimmy Crystal:** *(furious, pointing a finger)* I want you to stop being a victim! I want you to fight back against those who think they can take you down. If you can't handle that, then you're failing me, and you're failing yourself!

*Jimmy's rage is intense, his anger directed not only at Askel but also at Mr. Mason Wolf, who had a hand in recent problems.*

**Jimmy Crystal:** *(grumbling to himself as he leaves)* And don't think I don't know it's Wolfe's fault for causing this mess. Stealing Porsha from me and making things worse. He'll pay for this. If he's going to make a mockery of my family, I'll make sure he regrets it.

Diane aiding Wolf and Jimmy over a tiger cub Askel Where stories live. Discover now