MrWolf and Jimmy over Diane due evil brother and Askel

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The room, opulent yet menacing, is filled with the dim glow of expensive lamps. Jimmy Crystal, the towering Arctic white wolf, paces furiously behind his polished mahogany desk. His icy blue eyes flash with anger as he grips the edge of his desk, his black tuxedo sharply contrasting against the sleek dark wood.

(voice thunderous, slamming a fist on the desk) 
Wolfe, you had better toe the line! One more catastrophe and I will personally pull the plug on your entire operation! And believe you me, I've got my eye on your chunk of pie!

(coolly, adjusting his off-white blazer) 
Jimmy, this isn't about the operation. It's about Diane, and you're letting your anger cloud your judgment.

(stepping forward, trying to diffuse the tension) 
Let's not make this personal, Jimmy. We're here to address the situation at hand, not rehash old grievances.

(snorting in anger) 
Personal? Everything is personal with you! You and Wolfe have been a thorn in my side for too long. You think you can just waltz in and out of my life and not face consequences?

Diane's decisions are her own. If you have issues with her, take it up with her directly. Don't drag me into your vendetta.

(trying to calm Jimmy) 
Jimmy, we're here to solve the problem, not to fight. Your anger isn't going to help us move forward.

(turning sharply to Diane) 
Solve the problem? You think you can just waltz back into my life and pretend everything is fine? You've turned everything upside down!

I'm here to make things right. If you want to blame someone, blame the circumstances, not me.

(fuming, voice rising) 
Circumstances? Don't make me laugh! You're the one who brought all this chaos. And you, Wolfe, you're nothing but a glorified thief. You think you're so high and mighty, but you're just as much a part of the mess.

(stepping forward, voice low and intense) 
Watch your tone, Jimmy. You may have power, but don't underestimate what I'm capable of. Diane and I will handle this, and you're not going to intimidate us.

(laughing bitterly) 
Intimidate? You think a few threats will scare me? I'm not afraid of you, Wolfe. I've seen your kind before—always thinking they're the clever ones, always thinking they can outsmart everyone.

And I've seen your type too—bullying and threatening to get what you want. It's a tired act, Jimmy. If you want to go down this path, we'll be ready.

(interjecting firmly) 
Enough! This isn't helping anyone. We need to focus on resolving the issues at hand, not tearing each other apart. We have a bigger problem than our personal conflicts.

(hissing through clenched teeth) 
You think you're so noble, Diane? Don't forget, you're still dealing with me. And as for you, Wolfe—

He turns to Mr. Wolf, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

—if you think you can outmaneuver me, you're in for a rude awakening. I won't hesitate to take action if you don't fall in line.

You do what you have to do. But remember this, Jimmy—every action has a reaction. You push us too far, and you'll find out exactly what we're capable of.

You're walking a thin line, Wolfe. One more slip-up, and it won't just be threats.

As Jimmy's voice fades into a dangerous whisper, the door to his office bursts open. Porsha, his daughter, steps in, her purple sunglasses reflecting the tension in the room. She glances at her father, then at Diane and Mr. Wolf, her expression a mix of anxiety and determination.

Diane aiding Wolf and Jimmy over a tiger cub Askel Where stories live. Discover now