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Claire opens her eyes hearing a baby crying and she looks around. She sits up and notices she's not pregnant. She gets up and walks into the jungle seeing Locke sitting at a table with a lamp, tarot cards, a table runner, and crystals. He's dealing the cards. There's the sound of a sword being unsheathed. 

Claire: What's happening?

Locke: You know what's happening.

Claire: But I don't understand. Why --?

Locke: He was your responsibility but you gave him away, Claire. Everyone pays the price now.

He looks up and has one black eye and one white eye. 

Claire runs through the jungle seeing a crib and walks towards it. It has a mobile with Oceanic airplanes hanging from it. There is shaking and a sound of the what the airplane might have sounded like when it was crashing. The planes on the mobile start spinning around, at least one is broken. There are a bunch of blankets in the crib. Claire starts digging through them and comes to a pool of blood. Her hands are all bloody. She starts screaming. 

In the caves, Claire wake up screaming. Charlie and Peter are kneeling down in front of her while Michael, Jin, Sun and Hurley runs up.

Charlie: It's alright. Hey, hey, you're dreaming. You were sleep-walking, alright? 

Peter looks down seeing the blood on Claire's hands

Peter: Claire, what happened? 


Jack is cleaning and tending to Claire's hands while Elena is knelt down beside her

Elena: Must have been one hell of a nightmare.

Claire: Who said it was a nightmare?

Jack: I'd say when someone makes their fists so tight they dig their fingernails a quarter of an inch into their palm they probably weren't dreaming about riding ponies. 

Elena: Did you ever sleep-walk before?

Claire No. I don't think so. How would I know?

Jack: It'll get back to you. 

Elena: I had a girlfriend once that told me I talked in my sleep.

Claire: What did you say?

Elena: Don't know. Whatever it was she didn't like it. 

Jack: How was your OB-GYN in Sydney?

Claire: Good. She was good.

Jack: She was okay with letting you fly in your third trimester?

Claire: Yeah, I went for a checkup the week before and she said it'd be fine.

Elena: Ultrasound was cool?

Claire: Uh-huh. Very healthy.

Jack: How have you been feeling?

Claire: Okay. Back's pretty sore, but it's probably just from sleeping on the ground. I get dizzy if I stand up too fast. And I have to pee all the time.

Elena: Are you eating enough?

Claire: Boar and bananas.

Jack: How many weeks in are you? What was the date that you found out you were pregnant.


Elena is walking on the beach, she sees Kate standing at the water's edge and approaches her

Elena:  Well, this is a first -- you standing still, middle of the day, doing nothing. Amazing.

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