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Rebecca: Hurley!

Hurley wakes up raising his head up, the timer is shown to be at 1:04.

Rebecca: You fell asleep?

Hurley: No, I was just -- resting my eyes.

She points at a post it note on the monitor

Rebecca: The Numbers are written right there.

Hurley: Yeah, I remember the Numbers. 

He begins typing in the numbers into the computer.

Rebecca: Locke went back to the beach. So, I'll be taking the next shift.

Hurley: Awesome.

Rebecca: Jack told me about your job. At least we have jobs again, right?

Hurley: Hurray for us. 

He presses the execute button and the counter resets back to 108:00


Locke is sleeping in a hammock. Peter walks up to him

Peter: Locke. Yo, Locke!

Locke doesn't wake up. Peter rolls his eyes and walks over to Charlie

Peter: How can he be sleeping?

Charlie: Don't ask me. I stopped trying to figure him out a while ago. What's in the bunker?

Peter: Bunch of weird shit. 

Charlie: Weird? Weird how?

Peter: Just.......weird. 

Charlie: But somehow you know it's a bunker?

Peter: Looks like a duck, smells like a duck then it's a duck

Charlie: Uh.........I don't think......what?

Nadia and Sayid walks past them, looking at Peter confused

Nadia: What was that?

Sayid: Yes, Peter? What was that?

Peter: I don't know. 

Charlie: Has Hurley told you lot he's worth 150 million dollars?

Sayid: I think It's 156 million.

Charlie: I'm sorry, I must have confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself. And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops. So, if you'll excuse us, I'm going to flap my wings and fly off this Island!

He walks away down the beach

Peter: Chocolate lollipops does sound good right about now

Sayid and Nadia both chuckles, rolling their eyes. 


Hurley leads Rose inside the bunker. Rose looks around the bunker in awe and amazement. 

Rose: Someone actually lived down here?

Hurley: Uh-huh.

Rose: Oh. What -- what is it for?

Hurley: It's kind of a long story.

Elena walks up to them from down the hallway

Elena: Who else did you tell, Hurley? I mean if Pete can keep his mouth shut and he's got the biggest mouth out of all of us.

Hurley: No one. I swear. Dude, it's a big job. I needed -- help.

Rose: Hello Elena

Elena: Hey Rose.

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