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Hurley: How exactly does something like this happen?

Danielle:: Are you on the same Island as I am?

Peter: Okkie dokkie, that explains it. 

They begin walking towards the ship. Arzt doesn't move looking around as Danielle turns and begins walking away.

Arzt: Hold on, wait, hold on. Hold, wait. What are we a couple miles inland? [to Danielle] A tsunami probably swept it here, huh, right?

Jack: Hey, hey, where are you going?

Danielle:: Explosives are in the hold of the ship.

Elena: Rousseau, wait.

Danielle: I did what you asked. You need dynamite, you don't need me

She walks away, leaving

Locke: Let her go, Elena.

Peter: I vote for that one. That lady's insane in the membrane.

Hurley: Ha! Good one!

Hurley and Peter fist bump each other while Rebecca and Kate rolls their eyes. Locke chuckles.

Jack: Who's going to lead us back?

Locke: I'll lead us back.

Elena: Damn it. You heard her -- the explosives are in the hold. Let's go.

Arzt: Whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on. I came here to tell you how to handle dynamite, not explore some ghost ship, you think I'm go-

Rebecca: Alright, just stay out here.

Peter: Me and Hurley, we're gonna stay out here and hang out with Arzt. 

Jack, Elena, Locke, and Rebecca walks towards the ship and enters. Jack steps on a skeleton. They see skeletons chained up to the wall.

Locke: Slaves. This ship must have been in route to a mining colony -- probably set off from the eastern coast of Africa -- Mozambique.

They look around the ship seeing more chains and manacles. Kate sees the explosives.

Kate: Hey, over here.


Arzt: And then my 3rd wife, she says, get this, she says, "I didn't sign up for this." Now you tell me, what the hell is that even supposed to mean? 

Hurley or Peter doesn't say anything

Arzt: What, am -- am I boring you?

Hurley: What?

Peter: Dude, I stopped listening to you a while ago. 

Arzt: You know what? I'm -- I'm sorry, I'm so... I'm sorry that I'm not cool enough to be part of your merry little band of adventurers.

Peter: What?

Arzt: I know a clique when I see it. I teach high school, pal-y. You know, you people think you're the only ones on this Island doing anything of value. I've got news for you. There were 40 other survivors of this plane crash. And we are all people, too.

Peter: Hey is Nikki single? 

Hurley: Who's Nikki?

Peter: The really hot dirty blonde.

Arzt: I wouldn't. That Pablo guy is a dick

Peter: Dude, I'm horny. I don't give a fuck. It'll be worth it. 


Rebecca picks up a axe to open the crate. 

Rebecca: You know what? We could probably get it open if I just-

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