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Locke is setting up a Mouse Trap game dressed as an employee in a department store. A kid walks up.

Kid: What's that?

Locke: A game. It's my favorite game, actually. I used to play it with my brother. It's called Mouse Trap.

Kid: How do you play?

Locke: Well, you start with all these parts off the board. And then, one by one, you build the trap - shoe, bucket, tub - piece by piece it all comes together. And then you wait 'til your opponent lands here on the old cheese wheel. And then if you set it up just right, you spring the trap. Go ahead, kiddo.

Kid: My name's not "Kiddo"

Locke looks down at him and smiles

Locke: Okay. What's your name then?

Kid: Peter. My name's Peter

Locke: Okay, go ahead, Peter

A young Peter turns and walks away while Locke watches him leave and smiles. 


Sawyer walks towards Sun who's in her garden holding a leaf in his hand

Sawyer: Which one?

Sun: That one.

Sawyer: You're sure? 

He holds up the other leaf.

Sawyer: Because this is the one I've been using and nothing's happening.

Sun: I'm sorry it's not helping.

Rebecca walks up to them

Rebecca: What's not helping?

Sawyer: Nothing. Thanks, anyway. Nice garden. 

He walks away, leaving

Rebecca: What was that abou?

Sun: He has headaches.

Rebecca: Doesn't he have, like, a truckload of aspirin stashed away somewhere?

Sun: He says aspirin didn't help.


Elena is looking at herself in a mirror; Kate walks into the caves

Kate: Can I ask you a question? Say you're having bad headaches everyday...

Elena lowers the mirror and stands up

Elena: You okay?

Kate: Yeah, fine.

Elena: So, who are we talking about then, Kate?

Kate: Sawyer.

Elena: Uh-huh.

She chuckles and rolls her eyes

Kate: Me and Beck just think there might be something really wrong with him.

Elena: And what does he think?

Kate: He says he's fine, but...

Elena: Then he's fine.

Kate: Yeah, well, he could be playing it down. There could be some...

Elena: Look, Kate, I'd like nothing more than to check the guy out and make sure he's okay. But we both know all I'm going to get for my trouble is a snappy one-liner. And if I'm real lucky, a brand new nickname. I'm just over it.

She drops the mirror and walks away, leaving. Kate roams her eyes down eyeing her rear, biting down on her lower lip

Charlie: Easy, down girl

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