Chapter 11 The dance?

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[A/N i never really described Zendays appearance so if ya want to know read the A/N at the end!!]

~~Zenday POV~~

"Oh and a surprise to all of us cams little sister ZENDAY!!!!!" I kinda mentally freak out but physically tense up. When i got out of my trance Matt was pulling me out to the stage.

"This is my beautiful little sister!!" Matt screeches into the microphone. "Umm h-i-i.." i say stuttering into the microphone trying not to blush. Everybody screamed!!! With pleasure i guess...

I was on Matt's back, piggy back style. "1st my beautiful people we are doing a few Q/As" Nash says into the microphone.

"The girl in the back with the Magcon blue beanie" Cam says.

The girls says "when did Zenday come up and we never heard about her?"
"Well just to let you know I just found about her a couple of weeks ago, and its a long story from then into the passed." Matt speaks thinking very carefully before each word. "Oh okay" the girl says.

We answer a few more questions "lets have one more" Carter says while jumping up and down. "How about you." He said while pointing to a slutty girl in the front row.

"Okay this is for Zenday,"y She turned towards me "where did you get those scars you deserve them and should go back where you came from." she said with a fake smile on. I started to tear up but then grabbed Matt's microphone.

" if you were trying to make me cry its not going to work sweetie because i learned the hard was that crying is a sign of weakness, oh and also these scars have nothing to do with you or how i picture myself, sooooo, im gonna tell you something sweet heart okay listen closely, these scars are from a man who hurt me really bad and none of them are self in flickened, so sweet heart if you having nothing nice to say keep it to yourself, just trust me." I say in 1 breath.

She huffed and walked away. Everybody was quiet until they all started cheering for me. I kinda started blushing.

"We have time for one more thing" Hayes says with a michevious smirk on his face. "Our new one, Zenday is a singer and dancer!! Who would like to see and hear her!!" He screams. I have him a shocked look but then the crowd roared, so i stood up and walked over to the DJ "put on bleeding out by imagine dragons" i whisper into her ear. She nods and hands me one of theses microphones you put on your ear.

Before the songs starts i get into preparatory and then ask "are yall ready, here we go" Then the music started. [im not going to put what the dance was i might actually do it and post it on my youtube soon so my YouTube channel is Morgan A.]

Here's the song:

Im bleeding out, so if the last thing that I do is bring you down, ill bleed out for you, so i bare my skin, and i count my sins, and i close my eyes, and i take it in,
Im bleeding out, im bleeding out for you, for you,

When the day has come that I've lost my way around, and the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground, when the sky turns Grey and everything is screaming, i will reach inside just to find my heart is beating, oh you tell me to hold on, oh you tell me to hold on, but innocence is gone and what was right is wrong,

So im bleeding out if the last thing that i do, is bring you down ill bleed out for you, so i bare my skin, and i count my sins and i close my eyes and i take it in, im bleeding out im bleeding out for you, for you,

When the hour is high and hopelessness is sinking in, and the wolves all cry to fill the night with hollering, when your are red and emptiness is all you know,

With the darkness fed ill be your scarecrow, you tell me to hold on, oh you tell me to hold on, but innocence is gone and what was right is wrong,

Cause im bleeding out so if the last thing that i do is bring you down ill bleed out for you, so i bare my skin and i count my sin and i close my eyes and i take it in, im bleeding out, im bleeding out for you, for you,

Cause im bleeding out so if the last thing that i do is bring you down, ill bleed out for you so i bare my skin and i count my sins and i close my eyes and i take it in,

Im bleeding out, im bleeding out for you, for you....

And then the song ended and the crowd cheered so loud, i felt good for once. "Thankyou for your support and I think its time to go!!" I look to the guys with there jaws dropped to the ground. I pushed all the guys off the stage waving to our fans while there mouth were open so wide im surprised a bird didn't fly into there mouths.

"Was i that bad guys?" Hayes starred into my eyes and said "you were beautiful." i blushed so bad it started to make me burn up.

We got back into the limo and all the guys were freaking out and wanted me to more stuff like that. Then Matt screams "can we go to a party tomorroww at O2Ls house?" We all agreed but after i whispered into Hayes ear. "what's O2L?" He gave me a grin and told me everything. I cant wait to meet them i really want to!!

Okay so the party will happen next chapter i think love yas talk to ya later!!!

Here's a description of Zenday:

•The picture i put with this chapter is her hair and eyes

•she has her belly button pierced as well as 2 on each ear

•she's very very skinny but doesn't think so

•she has scars and open wounds all over her body, legs, arms, stomach, back, etc.

•shorter than Hayes but has long legs in a way

Her personality:

•hipster/ hippie
•likes sports especially dance and soccer
•tree hugger/ vegetarian
•loves kids and animals
•has her own style
•sadly has no best friends yet
•she doesn't put up with mean/bad people
•she doesn't like to cry it shows weakness, she will only do it if she's alone or provoked
•she hates being a girly girl[one reason shes afraid of losing Hayes]
•she thinks everything is wrong with her, but has confidence that she can do or accomplish anything.

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