Chapter 18 B-b-beat

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Sorry haven't updated 4 awhile

~|Zendays POV|~

I wake up in a panic. Where am I!! Okay I am in bed with Mr. Blue eyed. Luckily he's mine. Oh my 4 babeys. I still can't believe he got me these. I have always wanted big doggies and I finally got them.

I didn't want to wake up anybody so I slid out of bed. I wanted to go for a run. It's the only thing that will cool my thoughts. I write a note because knowing Hayes he would freak out. It says 'babe please don't worry going out for a run be back in 45 minutes tops and watch our babeys'

I get out of the hotel room and walk to the stairs. I don't like the elevators they scare me. I high-knee down the stairs. I use to do this a lot back in hell.

I get to the lobby. These girls {way slutty may I say} decide to walk up to me. They have me looks of disgust and started to punch, shove, kick, and beat me down. I was told different things like "worthless" "bitch" "slut" all other things.

Finally they stop and I am curled up into a ball in the corner. Why, what did I do?

I just sit there and cry and I see Hayes walk out of the elevator. He doesn't see me. Thank god. It's been 35 minutes so IDK if he's looking for me or nah.

He still hasn't seen me and 10 minutes has past. He is just sitting there watching his watch and looking around. He is sooooo close I could just reach him. But I don't want him seeing me this way. Nobody needs to see me this way. I don't want anybody to see me at all.

I sneak by Hayes and decide to text him a little white lie. ' hey babe went to starbucks will be back in 25 minutes possibly😘'

I decide to walk upstairs and clean up myself. It will take me 25 minutes to clean up my cuts and cover up my bruises with makeup. Oww!! That hurts!!

I finish cleaning up and decide to go out to the lobby to go check on Hayes.

I see him stand up and wave me over. I jog over to him. I see one of the girls who hurt me. Next to Hayes? Did I miss something?

"Hey babey" he says innocently, which makes me melt. "Hey babe" I lean in for a kiss and he returns but I can feel the girls eyes burning holes into my skull. "Oh I forgot Brea this is Zenday or call her zenny."

"Hi I am his girlfriend." I say a little harshly. Not 'trying' to be mean.

She gives me a smirk. "I am the ex girlfriend." There's a little tension but Hayes is oblivious. I just want to spend this time with my lovely blue-eyed boyfriend.
I am getting really cold.. Brhh.. I am just wearing a crop top and some high waisted skinny jeans. Oh also a jacket. If you don't cetch my drift. Just try. You getting it? Okay here's the explanation. I am still cutting. Not my wrists as much as my thighs. Every once and awhile I will do my wrist. It's a addicting feeling. But I don't do it as much because I have Hayes. I think.

~|Matts POV|~

I have A feeling. Just the feeling my little sister is going to get hurt. I just have that feeling. Ooh please tell me I am wrong.

~|Breas POV|~ ^_^

She is going to die. In a small hole. She is going to die and Hayes will be all mine!! Meahhahahahahha!!!!!

|~Hayes POV~|

Why is there so much tension. Is there something I am missing or nah?
Whatever it is I need it to stop. Whatever. "Hey babey why don't me and you go upstairs for some alone time" I whisper into Zenns ear. She nods her head as I wink.

I grab her hand tell Brea were going upstairs and Matt has the puppies. So were alone. As soon as we are in the room.

I pull her down onto the bed just to snuggle for a little while. 'I love you' I keep repeating in my head because I am afraid to do it out loud.

She starts to slowly kiss up my jawline. Soon making contact with my lips. Her mouth parts a little bit. I rub my tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance. Thankfully it is granted. Our tongues meet and they start fighting for dominance. Of course she wins. It explores the nooks and crannies of my mouth.

She raises her lips off of mine and move down to my neck trying to find my sweet spot. She finds it and bites and sucks on it. Making me moan.

My turn!

I flip her over and do the same to her but I kiss her lips first. This time I win dominance. I find my way down to her neck. Ohh sweet spot here. Sweet spot there. I suck and bite and tug at her earning a few moans. I make my way down and down and down. Kissing and kissing.
She moves the position so where she is grabbing my package making me moan. She lets go. We both hear a crash and a giggle. We run out to see Magcon. Laughing there asses off. Oops.

Me and Z have some Hickies oopsie daisies!!!

We go back to the room. "I am going to take a shower" I tell her. She gives me a 'okay' look. " do you want to join me its conserving water because I have a green thumb" I whisper seductingly. She gives me an 'are you kidding me' look and says. "No thankyou babe maybe later." With a wink. Ugh!!

I quickly take a shower when I come out she's gone. I ask her brother and everybody nobody has seen her where could she be.

~|zendays POV|~

It's dark and scary!!

Sorry haven't updated in for like forever!!! Been a busy bee. So calm your Tities and eat a cookie!! Cya when I cya

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