Chapter 15 Why what did I do this time?

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~~Zenday POV~~

I have been in pain all day. I feel like im gonna throw up. All my cuts feel like there on fire.

I scream out in pain!!!! "Ahhhhhhh!!"
Guess who is the 1st one in here. you got it Hayes. "Are you okay Z?" He says while running to my side. "Go away, Go get Matt because he might actually love me!!" I scream at him.

He runs out of my room to I guess get Matt. I start to throw up blood. Then the door bursts open with a worried Matt and Nash with a Hayes behind him. "Help me.." then i went black.

^_^Hayes POV^_^

I dont know whats going on in my life!!! Im sitting here in a hospital waiting for the most beautiful girl in the world to cone out from where ever she is. Even tho I havent talked to her in a couple of days I-I just wish i could speak to her!! The accident kept playing over and over in my mind.

I keep replaying what happened to the once mine Zenday.

<<flash back>>

Zenday screamed out in pain, My first instinct was to run to her. Which I did.

But when She told me to go get somebody who actually loved her. I wanted to tell her everything that I loved her and that i needed her. But i did what I was told.

"Matt Zenday is in pain please come help!!!" I scream into his room, while they are doing a pickle eating/waxing challenge. He gets up to an unconscious Zenday, whose spitting up blood. I automatically go get my phone to call 911 which they sent an ambulance

<<end of flashback>>

And that's how we ended up here. When they called her name, I jumped up and ran to the desk. Matt grabbed my wrist and said "go tell her the truth and I swear to god Grier another slip and you will not be able to have kids, understand?" I nod my hand while putting my hands over my balls.

I ran to her door, took a deep breathe and opened the door.

😣😣 Zendays POV😣😣


"Lucifer please they didnt do anything" I scream as he has all my family held down with a gun. "please" i hear a lot of gunshots and see a puddle of blood. Then my surroundings change. Im in a bathroom naked with the AC on full. Nothing there to comfort me but my naked, bruised, cut, whipped,body. Oh and dont forget there blood!!

I woke up in a hospital bed with doctors running around me. Suddenly they all run out. After sitting there for what felt like eternity.

Hayes walked in!! Bleck i really dont want ta have to deal with him right now!!

"What are you doing here." I Say a little to harshly. He looks in my eyes and i can tell hes been crying because his eyes are all red and puffy. "Why would he cry over me he would rather kiss vienna then me!" I accidentally say out loud.

He looks like hes gonna say something then says it what I was hoping and not hoping for. "Let me explain" I listen to his part of the "story" and he finishes off with "Im so so so sorry, I love you and nothing can change that and I understand if you dont forgive me but just please at least consider it?" I look deep deep into his blue eyes and say "Hayes i dont know anymore." Thats when all the boys walk in.

I am so excited they spared me the moment!!!

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