189-190: Extra: The Never-Ending Sonata

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Chapter 189 The Never-Ending Sonata

Sixteen-year-old Kudo Shinichi was confused.

He had just experienced a weird thing.

Today, he went to the amusement park for an adventure with his childhood friend Mao Lilan, and saw two men in black conducting a secret transaction!

Driven by curiosity, he followed them, but was knocked unconscious by a silver-haired man.

In a trance, he heard a strange sound, and then he seemed to be fed poison...

When he woke up again, he found that he had become smaller!

Kudo Shinichi left the police station, looking at his reflection in the window with a confused face: a big-headed doll.

This... Is this an attack by supernatural powers? !

After all these years of training, he is already very experienced in dealing with various emergencies. So he wrapped his big coat tightly, slid into the alley, took out his mobile phone and started to call.

"Shinichi? What's wrong?" A lazy voice came from the opposite side.

"Dazai-san! I may have been attacked by a supernatural power!" Kudo Shinichi said seriously, "I have become smaller now, like an elementary school student... Dazai-san, don't laugh!"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, I know, I heard it." Dazai Osamu replied, "If you have become smaller, you may have met Okura Yeko from the military police. Her supernatural power can control the age of others."

"Her?" Kudo Shinichi scratched his head, "But the person who attacked me was a man."

Dazai Osamu became interested: "Tell me about it?"

He pressed the hands-free and recording buttons.

Shinichi's childish voice, I miss it.

Kudo Shinichi had nothing to hide from Dazai Osamu, and he told it all, with clear thoughts and fluent language.

After listening to his story, Dazai Osamu coughed lightly, and his tone was a little strange: "Well, Shinichi, do you still remember the game we played when we were young?"

"Which one?" Kudo Shinichi didn't react.

"I played that with the little mouse and the sheep."

"The winery organization?" Kudo Shinichi remembered that when they were young, they did fight against that organization on behalf of the sheep. Because they have so many think tanks, the organization can only be driven around by them, and Fei Jia has planted a lot of nails.

But later, Kudo Shinichi didn't play anymore, he was taken to Hawaii for tutoring.

"The people who attacked you today are from the winery. The silver-haired one is codenamed Gin, and the other is Vodka." Dazai Osamu said, "This organization is jumping a bit fierce, and there will be actions from above in the near future. Shinichi, you'd better not get involved."

If Kudo Shinichi can agree, he will not be Kudo Shinichi.

Such a rampant organization appeared on the streets of Tokyo, and even dared to kill people in the streets. How can this be possible? This is not Yokohama!

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