Yea school can be a bummer with the extra load of stress and lots of distractions but the these are some tips I have for your studying in general and how get on teachers good side(most teachers)
1)Start with finding a place in your room that you can focus in. May I suggest getting a cool tapestry or wall hanging to divide your room. Or you can use it to have your desk face it.(Since my tapestry is washed out on one side i just hang it so my desk can face it because it would look really tacky otherwise.
2)Make a positivity board (you can google it if not familiar with it) and stand it up on desk
1)Get any sound effects app and make rain noises, I know it sounds totally random and like it won't make you focus but if you close those curtain, turn on the lights and just do homework it is great.
2)Have a snack with you to reward yourself for being an awesome student and actually doing your homework when you know you don't want to. I don't care what snack you have but it is good to change it up. Like have grapes and the next day snap peas. Your options are endless but may I suggest not having junk food everyday for the sake of your health.
3)Take breaks. Homework can get overwhelming whether doing algebra 1 or 4, 5 minute breaks in between don't hurt. But if you know that for you it is hard to work after a 5 minute rest don't.
4)Make an agenda of how you will do everything
1)I don't know about you but my teachers all love when students use creativity and color in projects, homework,etc. One thing that I did that got me a lot of praise this year was really easy. I cut 3 sheets of printer paper in to the shape of a bus for my process page on the civil rights movement(Rosa Parks)
2)Another thing that I did being that I was a new student in October of the school year was that I told all of my teachers that I want to make up thing from the month I missed. If you are not a new student always, always ask at least one teacher if you can have an afterschool follow-up of tutoring session to just make sure you are getting everything. Most teachers will forget about this after a month or two but they will always remember that you try to help yourself become a better student.

Teen Girls Life Hacks
OverigBeing a girl is tough but being a teen girl is even tougher. I am here to tell you some life hacks and tips that I have used and found helpful whether your goal is an interesting shower or getting to your goal weight you should be able to find all t...