Chapter 7 (Written by me)

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"Jules, I don't know what I ever saw in Taylor," Harry said. "I don't know what I've ever seen in any girl. Jules, all I want is you." He kissed me.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes. Then I kissed him.

"Jules, I never understood what love was really like, but I felt it for the first time looking in your eyes," he quoted from the boys' song, "Loved you First."

I kissed him again. "I can't believe this is happening," I was grinning from ear to ear.

He swept me into his arms. "Well, it isn't. It's just a dream, Jules."

"Jules, get up," my mom whispered.

I groaned and turned over in bed. I was startled when I opened my eyes. Where was I? What was going on? And most importantly: How did someone move me while I was sleeping? I'm not a light sleeper.

Oh, I had forgotten. We were in a hotel.

I squinted as I looked up at my mom. The hotel's bathroom light was on behind her. It was bright outside. What time is it?

"It's nine, and we're supposed to meet the boys at twelve," she said. Sometimes I swear we can read each others' minds. It's kinda cool. "I thought you'd wanna get up and get showered and ready."

"Yeah, thanks," I groaned. I'm not a morning person, especially when someone wakes me up. And she woke me up from dreaming about Harry! Then I replayed my dream in my head and smiled. I always write down my dreams in a dream journal but I didn't bring it with. I figured we'd only be in Hershey one night and hoped I could just remember any dreams I had. There was no chance I was forgetting this one.

"I just had the best dream," I told my pillow, hoping my mumbling was loud and clear enough for my mom to hear. I waited for her response. Ugh, I thought when I didn't receive an answer. I was going to have to repeat myself.

I flipped over. "I just had the best dream," I repeated.

She turned to me. "Oh yeah? What was it about?"

I told her about it. "And you woke me up," I said in mock accusation. I knew it was better that she had gotten me up. It was the last day to make Harry fall for me. Besides, I was really excited anyway.

"Sorry," she said.

I laid in bed for another ten minutes, trying to gather the strength to throw myself out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom. I finally sat up and pushed myself out of the bed. I gathered the things I'd need to get ready and then stood watching my mom finish getting ready in the bathroom.

"I had a really hard time falling asleep last night," I told her.

"Why do you think that is?" she asked. Her face showed she was genuinely curious.

"Um, because I'm excited," I said, in a "duh" tone.

"Oh. Well I had no problem falling asleep last night," she said lightheartedly.

"I noticed."

I took about an hour showering, getting dressed, and drying my hair. We had bought me an orange dress to wear to the date. Orange is Harry's favorite color, and I was certainly trying to be his favorite person today. It came down around my knees, with beaded strings to tie it around my neck. I wore black Converse sneakers today and all my hair was down and curly.

My mom wore a purple dress and a pair of black flip flops.

I had my mom put eyeliner on me again and then we were off to the boys' hotel.

We had to bring our backstage passes to show the police. There were so many screaming girls waiting outside that it hurt my ears. They were ridiculously loud. I was a little nervous walking in. I do not like crowds.

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