Chapter 9 (Written by me)

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The boys saw Niall at the counter and walked up to him right away. They were all dressed in outfits similar to Niall's: shorts, hoodie, beanie, and sunglasses. I squirmed in my seat, thanking God that He had blessed me with a surprise date with the boys.

Zayn slapped a hand down on Niall's shoulder and Niall turned around and greeted the boys. Harry asked him something and they all turned to me and my mom as Niall pointed to us.

My breath caught as I looked back at Harry. I briefly wondered if that affect would ever ware off.

He quickly strode to our table, never breaking my gaze through his sunglasses.

"Hey." He plopped down in the chair across from me and took off his sunglasses. "Hey Natoli," he said. He finally slowly tore his eyes away from mine. My eyes stayed trained on him.

"Hi Harry." She smiled at him.

He smiled back at her, showing off his adorable dimples, before turning back to me.

Something suddenly blocked my vision of him. It disappeared just as quickly as a bag fell to the table in front of me.

I jumped. "Your fries," Niall said, smiling at me.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Sorry to scare you again," he said. "And sorry to interrupt your staring contest there." He winked at me. "Harry won," he stated, shoving a big bite of Frosty in his mouth. "You blinked first," he mumbled through a mouth full of Frosty before plopping down next to my mom.

"Here's your Frosty," Louis smiled at me and placed my frosty on the table in front of me.

"Thanks." I smiled back at him as he plopped down next Harry. I pulled out my fries and the napkins from the bottom of my bag. I placed a napkin next to my Frosty and laid my fries on top. I put the rest of the napkins in the center of the table in case anyone else needed them.

"And here's yours," Zayn said to my mom as placed her Frosty in front of her and sat down next to Louis.

Liam sat next to him. "And here's yours Harry," he said. "Thanks for sticking round to help us," he teased.

"Thanks Liam," he said lightheartedly, not letting Liam get to him. He smiled at me, winked, and shoved a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. Was I drooling? I casually took a bite of my Frosty, reached for a napkin, and dabbed at my mouth, just in case. One thing was for sure, I was definitely staring.

"I'm sweating," Zayn said. "Is anyone else sweating?"

"Yeah," Niall said. "These outfits are hot."

"I'm not." I smiled at Zayn.

"Well you're wearing a dress," he pointed out.

"And she looks beautiful." Harry was obviously talking to Zayn but he looked into my eyes as he said it. Then he placed his spoon back in his cup, slouched in his chair, and stretched his arms behind his back. He intertwined our legs-his ankle, my ankle, his ankle, mine-before grinning and showing me those dimples again.

The boys had wanted us to be at Hershey by nine that morning. No problem; I would get up any time Harry asked me to.

Looking out the window, I watched as Harry parked his car. There were lots of things to see at Hershey, of course, but I found Harry the most interesting. I'd been to Hershey plenty of times before, so it was nothing new for me. Though I must admit, it was strange seeing the parking lot completely empty. The last few times we had come we had to park in the grass because the parking lots were so full. And their parking lot is pretty big.

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