Chapter 11 (Written by me)

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"Nice shirt Harry," Louis said. I quickly dropped my hand and turned around. Louis and the rest of our group were walking toward us. My new shirt was a little tight on Harry. It looked very nice actually. I wondered how much the my mom and the boys had seen of what had just happened with Harry and me.

"Thank you, Louis," Harry grumbled. He looked angry that Louis had interrupted us.

"Harry just bought it for me," I said.

"Then why is he wearing it?" Liam asked. His eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion.

"Because I want it to smell like him."

Everyone still looked a little confused.

"I'm hungry," Harry stated. "Are you hungry Jules?" He smiled at his use of my nickname.

"Yeah, I am actually," I said, noticing for the first time that I was starving. I had eaten a little yogurt that morning before we left, but clearly it wasn't enough.

Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulder. In that moment, with Louis' arm around my shoulder, standing in this group of strong boys and my mom, I felt more safe than I'd ever had. Like they would protect me from anything that could happen. I felt like I could do anything. I felt silly the moment I thought it . After all, I'd just met them. But me and Harry's connection wasn't the only one I felt. I had a feeling that, in time, I'd be able to trust and talk to all of the boys. I looked at each of them for a moment before Louis said, "We told Harry to eat this morning, but he said he wanted to have breakfast with you."

"Aw," my mom and the boys cooed. The difference of course, again, is the boys were teasing Harry.

"Let's go." Harry smacked Louis' arm away from me and replaced it with his own. He turned me around and steered me toward the cafeteria. There was a table surrounded with red rose petals and a single white rose on the table.

"Aw! Harry! Did you do this?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "They let me in early this morning."

"This is really nice," I said.

He pulled out a chair for me and then sat down across the table.

"They can make anything you want," he told me.

I stared down at my hands. "Harry," I said timidly. "Can I ask you something?" I wasn't sure if I wanted the answer to the question, but I knew I had to ask.


"What's going on with you and Taylor?"

He took a deep breath. "Taylor and I are...we're...something."

"So would she be mad about this?" I gestured to the table.

"Let's not talk about Taylor," he said. "We're friends, right, you and me? We're hanging out."

"Sure." I nodded. I felt a slight disappointment. I couldn't deny that we'd been flirting. And there was definitely something between us! I couldn't shake that feeling. Do friends do stuff like this? He was incredibly sweet and all I wanted.

If only Taylor wasn't in the way. And what about that moment earlier? If Louis hadn't interrupted us, would we have-

"So," Harry said, interrupting my thoughts. "What would you like to eat?"

We rode all the rides in the park for the rest of the day. There was a lot of running and screaming. I hate roller coasters, but the boys made me go anyway. Harry held me as tightly as he could and I closed my eyes and buried my head in his side. After a while I got used to the roller coasters. I actually started to enjoy riding them, but I let Harry think I was scared, just so he would hold on to me.

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