-The Lost Boys-

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In the dark of the night, the sound of rotor blades cutting through the air filled the Blackhawks. Alpha team was en route to their rendezvous point with Shadow Company. The team sat in silence, each member lost in their thoughts, preparing for what was to come. The red lights inside the chopper cast an eerie glow on their determined faces.

Dusty looked around, taking in his team. He saw the steely resolve in their eyes, the tension in their muscles, and knew they were ready. He nodded at Striker, who returned the gesture.

The radio crackled to life, and a gruff voice came through.

JS: "This is Jorgen Shave, Shadow Company. I hope you boys are ready for some action. Our intel says the last known location of Ghost Recon was a cartel stronghold. Expect heavy resistance."

(Y/N): "Roger that, Shave. We appreciate the intel. We're ready for whatever comes our way."

JS: "Good to hear. We're about five clicks out from the target. We'll hit the ground running. Stick close, follow my lead, and we'll get through this in one piece."

Preacher glanced over at Dusty, concern etched on his face.

Pr: "You trust this guy? Feels like we're walking into a setup."

MM: "We don't have a choice. We need their intel and support. But keep your eyes open. If anything feels off, we pull back immediately."

Mother tightened his grip on his weapon, his eyes scanning the dark horizon outside the Blackhawk.

Mt: "Let's just hope we're not trading one problem for another. Ghost Recon went dark for a reason. We need to be ready for anything."

(Y/N): "Stay sharp, stay focused. We get in, find Ghost, and get out. No heroics, just precision."

The Blackhawks began their descent, the ground rushing up to meet them. The team could see the faint lights of the cartel stronghold in the distance. The tension in the air was palpable, but they were ready.

JS: "Touchdown in sixty seconds. Remember, we move fast and hit hard. Shadow Company will provide cover while you find your team. Let's do this."

The Blackhawks landed with a soft thud, and the doors flew open. Alpha team poured out, weapons at the ready, moving swiftly and silently. They formed up with Shadow Company, who were already in position, scanning the perimeter.

JS: "Alright, Alpha team. We move in two-prong. Shadow Company takes the east entrance; you take the west. Clear and secure. We'll meet in the middle."

MM: "Copy that. Let's move out."

The team split off, heading toward their designated entrance. The night vision goggles illuminated the darkness, revealing the shadows of the cartel stronghold. They moved in formation, their steps silent and deliberate.

Pr: "Keep your eyes peeled. This place could be crawling with hostiles."

(Y/N): "Remember, we're here to find Ghost Recon. Stay focused on the mission. No distractions."

They reached the west entrance, a heavy metal door slightly ajar. Striker signalled for Rex to move forward. The dog sniffed the air, then moved inside, followed closely by the team.

Mt: "So far, so good. Let's hope our luck holds."

They moved through the narrow corridors, clearing each room as they went. The sound of distant gunfire and shouts echoed through the compound, a reminder of the battle raging on the other side.

MM: "Stay alert. We're getting close."

They reached a large central chamber, the heart of the stronghold. The sound of gunfire was louder now, the smell of gunpowder thick in the air. They could see Shadow Company engaging the cartel forces, pushing them back.

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