Chapter One: Day One

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Another school year, another haircut. Another bottle of acetone, and another wardrobe. Jeordie stared at his unfamiliar self in the mirror: hair short, no makeup. He tried his best to tan over the summer, but his skin didn't really cooperate. He practiced facial expressions in the mirror while uncomfortably adjusting his pants. After one last run of a hand through his hair, he turned away from the mirror and grabbed his Jansport backpack, and just like that, he was gone.

The crisp air irritated his still sleepy eyes, and he looked down at his clean nails as he walked, a strange sight. He got to school half an hour early to confirm his classes, as usual. It wouldn't do to mess up his schedule on the first day of high school.

His elective was guitar. He didn't know if that would be a pain in the ass, or an easy A.

1- H. Biology
2- P.E.
3- H. Geometry
4- Beg. Guitar
5- H.World History
6- H. English 9A

He sighed and walked through the crowd to his Bio classroom. So far, no dirty looks or murmured insults, so he must be doing a good job of assimilating. Maybe this would be the year that he could start over.


Jeordie entered the classroom and picked a seat near the front. The only other person in the classroom, besides the teacher, was some emo weirdo in the back. He tried his best to ignore the other student, but his boots were really nice... and his hair was so long... and probably soft...

He abruptly caught himself staring and hurried to his seat.


Brian entered his first class wordlessly and set up in the farthest corner, as was his custom. He hid behind a curtain of hair, one leg down and the other bent, foot resting on the second bar of the lab stool.

The second student of the day came in a few minutes later. Brian looked up in anticipation... but it was just another one of those skinny jocks. He stared at the kid, who slowed down to look at him. He knew the kid couldn't see his eyes through his hair, but somehow it felt as though he were staring straight into his soul. The boy's eyes glazed a bit as he slowly looked Brian up and down. Oh great, another bully, I bet.

But then Brian saw a faint blush spread over the cheeks of the boy. He quickly averted his eyes and turned scarlet. What...

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