Chapter Twelve: Cyclops

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Brian came back in with a fake smile a few minutes later. "She said it's okay!" He felt sick inside. He didn't like keeping secrets from anybody. Before, he had no one to confide in, which helped him avoid internal conflict. However, he cared too much about Jeordie to keep this from him. The longer he kept this up, the more Jeordie would be hurt when the truth came out.

Right now, though, he had to play along. Jeordie was going through so much shit right now and he didn't want to emotionally burden him with his other problems.

"While I'm at your place, maybe I can give you the sheets for some of the songs my band has written. Or maybe we could make some stuff up, have a jam session," said Manson smoothly.

"That sounds great!"

The nurse informed them that Brian would have to go back to class, and Jeordie had to stay until his mom picked him up, or until the school day ended, whichever came first, because he might pass out again.

"Guess I'm gonna be here all day," sighed Jeordie. "Meet me at the front gate afterschool."

"Roger," said Marilyn with a mock salute and a cocky grin.


They ended up doing homework for the better part of the afternoon; after all, Jeordie's mom would murder him if he got C's. After several hours of disgustingly repetitive Pythagorean theorem problems for Geometry, a fully labeled map of Europe for World History, and a worksheet on the krebs cycle for Bio that neither of them could really figure out but they wrote random bullshit on, they were finally free.

"I brought the music sheets," said Manson. Twiggy bounced excitedly on the bed a few times and then got up to grab his bass eagerly from its case.
"I haven't played bass in a while, hehe. Though guitar and bass are pretty similar".

Marilyn ruffled through the sheets with a dissatisfied face as Jeordie spoke, then just picked one at random.

"This one is called Cyclops."  Jeordie examined the sheet and muttered chords and notes under his breath, then nodded.
"Got it."

"That quick??"

"I think so."

Manson cleared his throat, and Jeordie began to play.

"Cyclops woman got one eye in her head..."

As Marilyn sang words he knew by heart, he kept his eyes on Jeordie.

As they performed, he was amazed and thrilled to discover that Twiggy's skills were prodigal. They got through the song with only a few minor mistakes on his part, even though it was his first time playing.

"Twiggy, that was awesome!" He quipped. The bassist smiled bashfully and shrugged.

"I've been playing since I was a kid. Music has always been my escape. Well, music and Star Wars."

They laughed together.

After playing a few more songs, Twiggy suddenly gasped and pointed outside. "It's all dark!"

"Well, that's what happens at night," Marilyn sassed, not missing a beat.

"No, no, I mean, don't you have to go home?"

"Not really."

There was a silence. " you want me to go home?" asked Brian slowly.

"No, it's just... do your parents ever get worried? Or are they like my mom, who's never around to care...."

Brian sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Now was a good a time as ever. Fuck.

"Well Twiggy, you see..." words failed him. "The thing is..."

"What is it?" Jeordie's face bore an expression of concern and confusion.

Marilyn sighed and looked away in shame. This was the moment of truth. "I don't really have parents." He looked up at Jeordie sideways and bit his lip.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jeordie quietly.

Brian ran a hand through his hair again. It was a nervous habit. "Well, I lived with my grandfather for a while back in middle school, in Ohio. I don't know where my parents are. I don't really remember them. Then my grandfather died, and the authorities relocated me to Florida because I supposedly have an aunt here. I never found her, and I've been living on my own for the past year."

Jeordie's jaw dropped. "You mean you're homeless??"

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