The morning accident🌶️

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Mandakini POV - 

Hukum, I murmured, the word barely audible in the quiet morning air. The weight of her body, warm and comforting, didn't shift. Her head nestled between my breasts, and her arms are wrapped around my waist, the fabric of my soft saree bunched in her fists. Her soft snores indicated she's in a deep sleep, as usual. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, the early light outlining her masculine features, making them seem softer somehow.                                             

Gently, I traced the contours of her face with my fingertips. The coolness of the dawn air is a stark contrast to the warmth of her skin. Her short, silky hair is a mess, and I can't resist the urge to brush it aside so I can see her forehead, the tiny bead of sweat that's formed there. It's a sight that never ceases to amaze me, this beautiful creature who has chosen to share her life with me.

I felt a twinge of something – excitement, perhaps? – as the breeze from the balcony tickled my bare skin. The curtains fluttered slightly, and the scent of jasmine wafts in, mingling with the faint smell of the cooking fires. My body stirred, eager to face the day, but I resisted. For a moment, I just wanted to stay here, basking in the warmth of Hukum's embrace.                                   

The need to breathe, however, becomes more pressing. Her head was heavy on my chest, and I can feel the beginnings of a cramp forming in my neck. Hukum, I say a little louder, this time with a playful nudge. 

In response, she mumbled something incoherent and tightened her hold on my waist. Her head shifted slightly, and I gasped as the fabric of my blouse brushed against my nipple. Her mouth so close, and the sensation sent a jolt of electricity through me. I try to wriggle away, but she only pulled me closer, her grip unyielding. Her mumbles grow a little clearer, 

Don't go, she murmured, the warmth of her breath sending shivers down my spine.                                                                                                                                   I couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and arousal at the unintentional intimacy. I'm not going anywhere, I whispered, my voice thick with desire.

But the need to breathe properly is growing stronger. Hukum, please, you're smothering me, I said, trying to keep the laughter out of my voice.

Without opening her eyes, she lifted her head slightly, her nose nuzzling my neck. She seems to have caught the scent of my arousal, because she inhaled deeply. Her hand, still clutching my waist.             

Priye....stay...don't leave, she murmured, her voice a sleepy rumble that sent a thrill through me.

Her mouth found my nipple through the fabric of my blouse, and she started to kiss it, the soft pressure building. It was heavenly, but wasn't enough. I arched my back, silently begging for more. As if understanding my needs even in her sleep, she obliged.                                                                                       

Her teeth graze my sensitive peak, and I bit my lower lip to keep from crying out. The fabric of my blouse is a thin barrier, but it's enough to make it feel like a secret, forbidden act. As she kissed and nibbled on my nipple, I felt the heat pooling in my belly, something I felt the day she kissed me on that bench and even yesterday night. My heart raced, and my breathing became shallow. 

Her kisses grew more insistent, and suddenly, she bit down harder. The pain sharp, and I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my lips.

Ahh, Hukum, I gasped, the pleasure and pain intertwining in a delicious dance.                                                                             
Her eyes fly open, and she looked at me with a mix of surprise and desire. Mandakini, she whispered, her eyes darkening as she took in my flushed face and the way my body is reacting to her touch.     
What happened? she asked, her voice still thick with sleep. She seems genuinely confused, and I realized she must have been half-asleep, acting on instinct rather than intention.                                                                                                 
It's... it's nothing, I manage to say, my voice breathless. I just... the breeze, it's cold. But even as I say it, I know it's a lie. The heat between us had nothing to do with the temperature in the room.                                              
Her gaze lingered on my face, her eyes searching mine for the truth. Then she looked down at the fabric of my blouse, at the way it clinged to my erect nipples.                                                                          
Her eyes widened as she saw the damp patch over my left breast. What is that? she asks, her voice filled with innocent curiosity. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I know what it is, of course. But I can't bring myself to admit it. Instead, I try to play it off.                                                                                                   It's... it's just... sweat, I stammer, my hand flying up to cover the spot.
She raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of confusion and amusement. In the AC? she said, her voice still thick with sleep. She reached out and took my hand in hers, gently pushing it aside.                                                                               
Let me see, she said, her voice a low purr that sends more shivers down my spine.

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