Chapter 5

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Guess who's been sick since Monday? *raises hand* Guess who doesn't care? *readers raise hands* OK well I wasnt planning on updating but i'm going out of town until monday and dont plan on writing so erm... you're welcome. And i expect comments and votes, but id love love love comments(; sorry in advance for the short length, but there is some Ziall fluff to make up for it(; enjoy babes.


Chapter 5

I hated crying. But then again, who really liked it? Sure, crying was nice every once and a while but when you’re repeatedly crying over the same things, it gets tiring. You know what also is tiring? Having the person you really cant stand at the moment calling you every other minute. Like has Zayn not gotten the hint that I don’t want to talk to him? I thought I made that very clear back at the restaurant.. But then again, Zayn was always so oblivious to fucking everything.  

I had turned my phone on silent about twenty minutes ago but I could still see the flashing of the screen every time he called. No matter how much I wanted to ignore the phone I just couldn’t, because my eyes were trained on Zayn’s name. I wasn’t going to lie, I wanted to answer the phone; I was desperate to hear an explanation, just so I could forget about all of this. But as usual, there was that part of me holding back. What was the point of holding back anymore? Surely it wasn’t to avoid getting hurt again because that already happened. I’ve already been hurt this time around. So figuring I had nothing to lose I answered the call and put it up to my ear, not saying anything. 

“Niall?! God I’ve been calling you for the past hour! I thought something happened!” Zayn spoke quickly. I rolled my eyes and held the phone tighter against my ear.

“Hey, did you know I hate you?” I asked rhetorically. 

“If you just hear me out I can explain everything.” Zayn pleaded. I could just picture the pout on his soft, oh so kissable lips.. The sadness in his eyes. I sighed, this was so hard.

“Can you? Give me one good reason why I should listen to any of the bullshit that comes our of your mouth.” I responded, only to hear a desperate sigh from the other line.

“Because I care about you,” I was about to object, “And I’m not letting you make any stupid comments so keep your mouth shut and listen.” Zayn demanded. I blinked in shock at his tone. Zayn was never the demanding type, he was always sweet and gentle and that’s what I loved about him. But this Zayn, hell, I didn’t know him. 

“Fine.” I grumbled, sitting up to hear better.

“Thank you. Now, the only reason I was out on a… date, per say, was because it is all set up. My management said that I needed to get more public attention, so they hired Harry to be seen around with me. It wasn’t my choice, but I did get to chose who I was supposed to be ’dating.’ I picked Harry because he’s a good mate and he already has a boyfriend, Louis, who he was 100% committed to.” he paused to see if I was still listening and when I hummed in response, he continued. 

“There is no way in Hell that I would ever fall for Harry and vice versa. That’s why we were together, holding hands, on a date. I talked to management and they said if I actually did start seeing someone again, I could drop Harry and date who I please. Now, I was wishing we could talk so I need you to look outside the patio door.” Zayn said. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up. I walked over to the door and pulled the curtain back to see Zayn standing there, phone up to his ear. I hung up and walked outside, gawking at the sight infront of me. 

There was a blanket laid out on the ground with many different types of desserts and sweets, along with different colored rose petals, and candles surrounding everything, in the shape of a heart. I looked Zayn over, taking in his dark jeans, white t-shirt, and plaid shirt over. Then I noticed the bouquet of white roses in his hand I nearly fainted. Did he really know me that well? Did he know that I was going to cave and answer his call? Did he really set this all up without me having the slightest clue?

“So are you going to stand there and gawk or are you going to come here so I can hug you and apologize fifty times?” Zayn asked with a smirk. As if my legs had I mind of their own, I found myself getting closer and closer to my ex lover. When I was standing infront of him I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

“These are for you, and I’m sorry. Really, really, really, really, really, sorry.” Zayn said, handing me the flowers. When I didn’t respond he took my face in his hands, slowly rubbing his thumb over my rosy cheeks.

“I hate being the reason you cry.” he said sadly, before pulling me into a hug. For a moment I just stood there, but when his intoxicating smell reached my nose I couldn’t help but return the hug, wrapping my arms around his torso. I rested my head on his collar bone and closed my eyes, happy to be in his arms again. 

“Sooooo am I forgiven?” Zayn mumbled against my forehead, then kissing it gently.

“Yes, you’re forgiven.” I smiled, then nuzzled my face against his warm neck. We embraced for another minute or so, before Zayn tore away to lead me on the blanket. We both sat down and he took the flowers from me, setting them behind me. 

“You look beautiful.” I confessed, looking down as my cheeks heated up. I felt his finger lift my chin to look into his big brown eyes.

“You always look beautiful.” he responded. I felt my cheeks get even hotter so I tore my gaze away from Zayn. I heard him chuckle before he scooted even closer to me, our arms now brushing against each other’s. I fought back the urge to lay my head on the shoulder, but eventually I gave in and laid it there anyway. His head rested on top of mine as he let out a content sigh. 

“What are you thinking about?” he asked a little while later.

“If this is stupid of me. If I should really be doing this with you. If I‘m going to regret whatever happens tonight, or any time soon for that matter.” I confessed. I knew it might hurt Zayn’s feelings but I had to be honest with him. Our whole relationship was based and remained strong on us being honest… That is until he.. You know. Fucked a stupid whore.

“Look, I don’t care if you do. You can question it, and regret it all you want but I want you to know something,” I looked up at him waiting for him to talk. “I’m not letting you go without a fight, not this time. I lost you once and I swear to fucking God, I’m not going to let it happen again. I promise.” He answered. He spoke with such power, such intensity, that I couldn’t help myself from leaning up, closer to his lips. He got the hint, and he leaned down so our lips were merely inches apart. Our lips were barely touching when a dog barked loudly, causing me to jump and pull away. I was panting as I placed a hand over my heart, feeling it pound beneath my touch. That honestly scared the shit out of me, and, was one hell of a mood killer. 

But the next thing I knew, there were two soft hands cupping my face and a pair of rough lips on mine. I moaned against them before relaxing and moving my lips against Zayn’s. Neither of us tried to deepen the kiss, nor did neither of us try to add tongue. We both knew well enough that just simply kissing was a big enough risk. When he pulled away I couldn’t help but stare up at him in pure awe.

“What-what was t-that?” I stuttered nervously. He just gave me that heart warming smile and leaned down to plant a kiss on my nose. 

“I told you I wasn’t letting go without a fight, Ni. I wasn’t letting that moment go to waste.” he answered simply, shrugging his shoulders. With that, I smiled, and cuddled closer into Zayn’s warmth. I always knew I missed moments like this with Zayn, but I didn’t know how much until right now. 


BOW CHICKA WOW WOW. Yeah so there you go, i hope you liked it, leave me your feedback blah blah blah this is boring!

Please fan, vote, COMMENT<3

Loveeeeeeeeeeee Alli xx MUAH!

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