Chapter 21

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Wow, Hey it's been a while. I have excuses though. First off, i've kind of been neglecting this because im kind of co-writing (i say kind of because I only write a chapter when im asked to). Also, i have carpal tunnle, which means that it physically hurts to type, like it does now but ill push through. And also, i know it just only recently happened but ive been super upset about the dealth of Glee's Cory Monteith. Yesterday was a hard day for me, and quite emotional so i dont even know how is loved ones must be feeling, let alone all my fellow Gleeks. Hang in there loves, we'll get through this. Anyway its kinda short and there are only about three more chapters to this... 

Enjoy my babies♥


The rest of the meeting with Nick was alright, we chatted about everything and nothing. But the whole time we talked I couldn’t help but think about the whole North American tour situation. It was hard to think about being away from Zayn for such a long time. I knew that he had a job, and that job required a lot of work and moving around and there was just no possible way I could hold him back from that. I couldn’t just ask him to quit his job and come with me on tour. He loves his job almost as much as he up loves me, and I would never ask him to give up something he is so passionate about. I only had three fucking days until tickets went on sale, so I really needed to make a decision as soon as possible.

After the meeting ended I drove back to mine (and Zayn’s) house in complete silence. It was hard to even concentrate on driving with all that was going on in my head. How would Zayn take it? Would he be mad or happy? Would he smile or cry? Ugh, this was just too much for me right now. When I pulled into the driveway I smiled when I saw Zayn unloading boxes from his car. I put my car in park and turned off the engine, getting out and making my way over to my husband. He smiled as I approached him.

“Hi baby. How was your meeting?” He asked cheerfully. I just shrugged and grabbed a box from his car, then carried it inside the house. I took it to our bedroom and set in on the bed gently. I sat down on the bed and just stared at the floor for a while. Zayn walked in a few moments later, a confused look on his face. He set the box next to all the others then sat next to me. He grabbed my hand and gently intertwined our fingers.

“Is everything okay? Was Nick mad about us getting married?” He asked gently. I shook my head and leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Then what happened sweetheart?” he said as he stroked my hair off of my face. I didn’t answer him. Instead I broke apart our fingers and wrapped my arms around his waist in a side hug. I moved my forehead so it was against neck, my nose brushing up against his collar bone. Zayn didn’t say anything either, he just wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his body. I eventually had enough, and started sobbing into his soft skin. He was surprised by my sudden sob but as soon as he realized what was happening he pulled me onto his lap. He rocked my back and forth as he let me cry it out.

We sat there for a while, probably half an hour or so, before my sobs subsided into silent tears, and then into nothing. Zayn continued to rub my back soothingly though, even when my tears were nothing more than stains on my face. That’s something that I absolutely adored about Zayn. If you were upset or cried or anything he would just hold you and not say anything. And when you did finally say something, he would just listen. He wouldn’t interrupt or say anything until he was sure that you were done talking. Then he would give the most incredible advice in the world. He was just so wonderful like that.

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