Chapter 6

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It's longer to make up for the length of Chapter 5. Maybe i could get a few more votes and comments??(: pwease??(: Enjoy lovely readers!<3


Chapter 6

“So are you staying the night?” I asked, looking up at Zayn. We had moved inside to the couch because it was getting a little too cold outside for our liking. We now sat cuddled together infront of the TV, my head on his lap as I played with his long slender fingers. 

“Do you want me to stay the night?” he asked. He looked down with a sweet smile on his face and I found myself grabbing the back of his neck and pulling his lips down to mine. I pecked his lips a few times before he brought his head back up.

“What do you think?” I responded with a smirk. He just chuckled and shook his head, attention going back to the TV. I watched him for a while, just getting lost in thought and his beauty. Was it really a good idea for him to stay the night? Sure, we kind of had a “date” and we’ve kissed a few times tonight but was I really ready for this? Was I ready for another relationship with Zayn? I caught my bottom lip between my teeth and chewed nervously as I had an internal argument with myself. I must’ve zoned out because the next thing I knew Zayn’s thumb was rubbing gently against my jaw, tearing me from my thoughts.

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked. His left eyebrow was raised as he gave me a stern look. 

“Nothing’s wrong.” I shrugged. His thumb moved from my jaw then glided across my bottom lip. He gave me a look assuring me that he wasn’t stupid, and that he knew something was obviously bothering me. But how could I tell that I was second guessing my invitation to stay over? I didn’t want to hurt his feelings by saying something that couldn’t be misinterpreted. 

“Whatever you have to say I want to hear. Even if you think it will hurt my feelings.” he sighed, as if he could read my mind. 

“I’m not sure I’m ready for you to stay the night. If we’re not even in a relationship, don’t you think that you staying over and us sleeping in the same bed half naked is moving kind of fast? I mean, I know we’ve done it before but I just don’t know if I’m ready now.” I confessed. I put a hand over my face as I felt it heat up, that was just plain embarrassing. Fingers gripped my wrist and tugged my hand away from my face. I anxiously looked up at Zayn, awaiting his response. 

“Oh Ni, I didn’t even think of that. I guess I just assumed you were ready for that but I guess not. I don’t have to stay if you really aren’t comfortable with it.” he assured me.

“But I want you to stay..” I replied with a pout. He smiled and ran a hand through my hair.

“I can sleep in the guest room if you want.” he suggested. I nodded and sat up on his lap, pressing my lips to his nose. I made a trail of kisses from his nose, down to his lips, over his jaw, and settled with a final kiss on his neck, before nuzzling my nose into the warm skin. I couldn’t help the yawn that escaped when I snuggled closer to him. Zayn laughed before I felt my arms being put around his neck so I locked my fingers together. His hands went  near my bum and under my legs before he stood up, making me squeal. A manly squeal. I kept my eyes closed as Zayn made his way up the stairs and down the hall, and when he set me on my bed I opened them to stare up at him. 

“Do you want more comfortable clothes to sleep in?” I asked with a yawn. He shook his head then leaned down to kiss me softly. 

“Night Nialler.” he whispered then disappeared out of the room, closing the door behind him. I heard him go downstairs assumingly to lock the doors and turn everything off. When I heard him come back upstairs and go down the hall I stood up and stripped down to my boxers, then threw on a pair of sweatpants. After I climbed into bed and snuggled under the covers a smile grew on my face, remembering tonight’s events. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t completely happy, because I was. I was happy with where we were in our relationship. No we weren’t dating but I didn’t think I was ready for a committed relationship anyway. I was just thankful that Zayn was as understanding as he had been, he was truly something else. And so, I drifted off to sleep with only one thing on my mind. That would be Zayn. 

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