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12. Threats

“Illuminati is an ancient group of men who opposed the Catholic Church. Some say it’s a myth but facts and signs of their existence proved that the group is real. Illuminati were come from the Latin name illuminatus, which means enlightened and founded by Adam Weishaupt. It was built between the battle between science and religion. The religious leader claimed that the earth was the center of the solar system, but most of the scientist believed like Galileo opposed for they discovered that the sun is the center of the solar system,” he paused, “years passed they started to gather their members. Powerful members.”


“They are anti-Christ. They have rituals and some sell their souls to the demon in exchange of something like fame. Do you remember Faust?”

“I nodded and wanting to hear more from him. It was my first time to hear such things. He was still holding a paper with his poem on it and I guess he got no plan to let me read it. He was so serious of talking about Illuminati.

“They will create the thing they call New World Order a one-world government.”

“And the members of that society?”

“Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Merovingian, Reynolds, Disney, Krupp, McDonald, and more. Well they might be atheist, they might believe to no one. It is also connected to Freemasons, a fraternity group.”

“I heard that one from Patient X, I mean from my friend when I was in the center that the government will lead and all the presidents and heads in the Supreme Court are members of that organization.”

He nodded. “Remember the book Revelation? Bible scholars talked about the evil mark that has been placed to the people, I call it membership of that group.”

“And if you’ll insist they kill you?”

“Kill us.”

“Us,” I whispered.

He told me about many things, like the HAARP that controls our weather, the history of Jesus, the extraterrestrial being, the pope, and I felt I my brain was kicked by the knowledge I heard from him. He also told me that the so-called-god who intervenes the people in Jerusalem was extraterrestrial being and it was described by Ezekiel’s book who describes the coming of God, as a man riding a chariot-like thing that has wings and there was like a grumbling sound of the thunder, there was smoke and fire on the chariot. The God was riding there as He came to the world. That description showed a modern technology which is a plane or any machine that flies. Bible is written in metaphorical way. It is not impossible. The mystery behind the pyramids, the UFO sightings cannot be denied except by the NASA who always deny. What he told me connects to Illuminati who believe into extraterrestrial beings. God will come soon. Not god but gods who also intervene the other places like India, Mexico, Guatemala, Egypt, and other places in Asia. He gave me the poem and I read:

Early Seven

Did I just wake up six hundred sixty six times?

Did I start counting sheeps until it rhymes?

Yes, my father on the kitchen

And my mother who never been

Outside to see the sun

Or hear the loud bang of the gun

Just a rosary on her hand

Those fifty nine beads were larger than the sand

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