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Dedicated to 1reyofsunshine7 for the amazing trailer up there! (It is my OFFICIAL trailer so please check it out!)

Disclaimer: this is PG-13 I changed the rating after the video was made so my bad.

This is the EXTENDED summary!

"I feel a thread tugging me again, but this time I know that it isn't some sinister force dragging me toward death.This time I know it's my mother's hand, drawing me into her arms.And I go gladly into her embrace."

Tris suddenly gasped, her eyes shot open, a bright metallic light shining down upon her.

"Is this heaven," she thought. She then heard a clap, then another, it soon started to crescendo until hundreds of clapping sounds and whoops filled the cold piercing air. A figure in blue started towards her slowly, then surely. A bright blonde blob of hair sits upon the top of the blue figure. She tried to turn her head, but instead the figure came close enough for her to see.

She then realized one very prominent thing: This was definitely not heaven.

Jeanine smiles coolly and says to a man in a lab coat next to her, "Unhook Tris, she must be traumatized."

Not knowing whether to be confused or angry, her face contorted into a mixture of both. Glaring at Jeanine, she jumped out of her restrains and slapped her. Tris grabbed the nearest gun and pointed it towards her pale figure, "I died. What am I doing here?" Jeanine opened her mouth to speak, but before a sound came out, Tobias came running through a hallway.

Tris suddenly lowered her gun as he ran towards her and he pulled her into an embrace, "Tris are you okay?"

It happened so fast, that she didn't even see his face, "I was ready to never see you again," She leaned away and looked at his pale tired face, exhausted from sleep deprivation. But when she looked into his eyes she could see how relieved he was to see her conscious.

He was about to hug her once more, his hand on the back of her head, but she pulled away. She died, and if this was exactly they place or time she was thinking it was, then this was not her Tobias.


Hey guys! This was an idea I've had for a while, but have never really gotten to.

I would really appreciate it if you Read, Vote, and Comment!

Please don't get mad if i get some parts wrong. I finished the series about a year and a half ago and my memory isn't that good. I am trying my best though. I've looked up timelines and made sure that everything BEFORE the final simulation is correct according to Divergent by Veronica Roth.

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