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I've gotten many comments from people saying that my chapters are short, and I understand! Right now, I would like to just get straight to the point so that i can just get the book up and running. Maybe once the book is completed(which I'm really bad at doing), I will add more to it and give it more explanation and such. I just want it short first because I can easily loose inspo fast when I have to write filler chapters, or when I'm already done with the main part and I have nothing left to say (but the chapter is still too short). I hope you understand & the book will go under MAJOR EDITING once completed.

To any book club or just regular critics WHO HAVEN'T READ THE SERIES/WATCHED MOVIES: Please just focus on emotions, descriptions, and overall execution of the book? This includes but is not limited to, spelling, grammar, word choice, character development, and plot development. 

For all readers: After Tris died in the outskirts of the city by David, she woke up in the dauntless compound connected to a fear simulation. Four tells her it was all part of her final dauntless simulation test. She then realizes that everything that she struggled and sacrificed for, was worth nothing because none of it exists. It was all just a pigment of her imagination. 



"You don't believe things because they make your life better, you believe them because they're true."

She sat hugging her knees on the top of her twin bed, only one thought running through her head, "I'm supposed to be dead. Supposed to be dead. To be dead. Be dead. Dead." The door suddenly swung open and Christina, the girl who's boyfriend she killed, walked in.

Tris spoke first, "Did they send you here?" Christina, her mouth agape, closed her mouth and bit her lips.

"I hurt you. I killed Will. I know you saw it... they all saw it." she sighed, not daring to look into her friend's sympathetic eyes.

Christina walked towards Tris, taking a seat next to her on the bed, "Listen to me, none of it was real you didn't kill Will, Jeanine isn't trying to take over the faction system and get rid of Divergents, and you didn't di-" 

"But it felt real enough! You all saw it. The pain I went through. The suffering I endured, and none of you even thought once about getting me out of there. I thought it was real. I was ready to die for a brother who betrayed me more than once, and I did! Maybe I didn't kill Will, but the fact that I was ready to do so under those circumstances..." she laid back bouncing against the mattress falling into her own abyss of thought.

Christina closed her eyes and composed herself saying, "Under those circumstances... I understand that you did what you must've done to survive."

Tris didn't reply. She just laid there lost in thought staring at each crevice in the ceiling. One would even think she wasn't listening. But she was, to every word that came out of her friend's mouth

At that point Christina lost her temper, "You are dauntless, be brave for goodness sakes. You never died and don't you dare tell me otherwise. The life that that simulation gave you doesn't exist, even if you felt like it did. This life now, this is real, and all you can do is make the most of it."

Tris leaned forward from her laid down position and looked at Christina, "How do I know that this isn't part of the simulation?"

Christina placed her hand on top of Tris' and sighed, the last bit of anger drained from her eyes, and thinking that even the brave need comfort sometimes, "You don't, but you have to make the most of it." She squeezed Tris' hand and then let go, the small bit of comfort, submerging her in light.


Simulations | "what if it was all a simulation..." | After AllegiantWhere stories live. Discover now