6: Heart

7 0 0

TW: Child rape, kidnapping, threatening, cannibalism, manslaughter

Recommended song: Red Sex(Re-Strung)- Vessel ft. Rakhi Singh.
(Trust me;))

The hero's mood shifts had grown more violent lately, so much so that the household always sat in fear. It had gotten to a point where Fuyumi had night classes, Natsuo never came to visit, and Shoto always managed to stay away, taking Sanako with him.

Perhaps that further angered the tyrant, making him more prone to snap and threaten the well-being of anything that so much as breathed in the house. No matter, for he'd be leaving for at least a month. Nobody knew where he went because Rei had never seen him since he put her there, and there weren't really heroes who were friendly enough to the flame hero. At least, even Present Mic doesn't know here he is going.

When he vanished, the house was in cheery spirits. Shoto, Fuyumi, Natsuo-everyone was enjoying themselves.

Crimes had risen in number, however. It was a problem, but it wasn't as though pro heroes weren't picking up their own slack and actually working.

Even newsreporters noted on how, without Endeavor, crime and casualty have decreased. Especially casualty.

At school, Sanako had been silently passing at the top of her grade. Aizawa never really mentioned it due to her being so naturally sullen.

One particular day, there had been a disruption of class. The media had barged in, and they caused panic. Needless to say, it was handled well.

The following week came with the USJ. She had fortunately not been there, but life had other options forcefully available.

When the villains invaded, everyone had been frozen in fear. Their numbers grew as Aizawa racked his brain for a plan. When it clicked that there was only one way, he groaned and nodded at Thirteen before running into the hordes alone.

Thirteen demanded they leave at once, pushing to the front to protect the students, positive in Aizawa's abilities to stop them from coming up from behind.

Then came Kurogiri and his blocking of the exit. "Apologies. My name is Kurogiri. We are the League of Villains." When Thirteen took a step forward, he covered all sides she could use to escape.
Calmly, he spoke. "Nobody leaves until All Might arrives. Apologies."

Then, Bakugk and Kirishima, too foolish in their endeavors, tried launching a surprise attack on the figure. Then, it happened.

Where they were to attack, a body was thrown in front of it. Hers. They were horrified. Bakugo's hand went back to smoking, and Kirishima's body went back to a softer than before state. She landed on the ground with a thud and-


Hold on.

Is that...?


That's impossible...

There's another person...!


These two bodies... were girls. One with long, curly white hair and another with black straight-curly short hair. Both tan in skin color with similar heights.

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