chapter 11🍀

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It was night time. Jungkook was helping Mrs. Kim with the food along with Mina. He hasn't talked to anyone after what he had heard from them. He was just silently doing his work. When anyone ask him, what is going on? He says that he is having a headache. He didn't even talk to hwan for the rest of the day.

The electricity was cut off because of the heavy rain and thunder. How the weather change right? All beautiful at the day time.. the real blue in jungkook life started when the darkness started to surround his head. He was confused and dishearted by the news he got to but the question was.. why now? Why his destiny always play like this with him?

They had battery lights on that shined the living area where hwan was playing with his toys and was angry with his cutie cause his cutie didn't gavevhim attention but it wasn't jungkook fault as well. He was feeling sorrow.

"I am hungry.."

Taehyung spoke, entering the living room. Jae and aera walked inside with nr. Kim as well. It was just getting a bit late because of the weather. Mrs. Kim smiled at taehyung and nodded. They signed them to say down till the dinner is being prepared by them.

Jungkook kept his eyes at taehyung who was smiling while playing with hwan. Everyone now started to gather together to have dinner. They must finish their dinner and work soon before the light goes off.

They all sat down and served themselves the food. Their dinner starts and start to chit chat a bit with each other.

"So how was your day son?"

Mrs. Kim asked with a small smile. She was looking or say staring at taehyung.

"It was all fine mom.."

Taehyung said with a warm smile and took a bite of his food, chewing it with a yum sound. Everyone just shake their head at such behavior of taehyung. Now again the chit chat started but they didn't expected Mrs. Kim to ask such a question out of nowhere..

"Taehyung.. I know you will not like but.. you know it's time to start a new life now... So um..."

"Mom.. again? You know I don't want to..."

Taehyung said with an ordering tone. A tone that says to his mother, not to talk about this topic. However, she was a mom so she didn't stop.

"But son, this is for your good only. Till when you will go behind her?"

She said with a soft tone but taehyung seems not to understand her and annoyingly slammed the chopsticks on the table. He stood up and scoffed at his mother.

"Not even started eating but you have to ruin my mood?? No!!! I don't want to marry anyone!!! No one!!!"

He shouted and Walked inside the room. Everyone just looked at the angry boy who walked inside and they took a deep breath.

"What's it dear? He didn't even eat. You know he doesn't like these type of talks."

"Yeh mom.. he informed you just two months before to not bring up this topic."

Mr. Kim and jae said making Mrs. Kim furrown. She rolled her eyes and started to eat food. She knows that whatever she is doing, it is good for taehyung. He has to change and move on. He has to live his life.

"I'll go and call him..."

Jungkook said and walked inside before anyone could say a thing. This is the first time this boy said a word after almost five hours. Mina looked at Mrs. Kim and saw her looking at her as well. They both then stared at jungkook who left to call taehyung.

With jungkook, he knocked on the door. The door didn't opened so he again knocked to he door and now the door seens to open with an erratic voice.

"What!!!! Who is t... J.. jungkookie?"

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