chapter 25🍀

71 14 8

Song recommendation↬ Haan Ke Haan
It's such a sweet song that I have gone addicted to. If you are Indian, you may listen to it while reading...... Enjoy(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

They were at namsan tower right now. The tower was beautifully glowing in the dark night. It was glowing the beauty of the area even more. The star filled night with moon glowing in the dark sky and taehyung's hand in his hand. How can this not be the most romantic feeling ever?

Jungkook glowing eyes looking at the tower with admiration and there was excitement in his body language. His little jumps were clear indication about his joy.

Now they entered inside and showed the pass to the reception. "This way sir" the staff directed their path. Both walked inside and taehyung in mean time, held his hand. "This way is best but I thought we would spend our time privately"

"you are embarrased by us?" Taehyung shake his head negatively. He wasn't embarrased but just wanted a private time together. "Why do you take my words in a negative way? I am not embarassed by us at all" "all talk" taehyung looked at jungkook with a grumpy face and a furrown.

"why don't you talk normally?" He asked rather jokingly with a soft voice. However, jungkook reply was harsh with a calm yet fault tone. "At least I talk, not like you, ignoring for days or weeks and still not talk."

Taehyung Chuckled at jungkook's words but still it made him feel bad. It wasn't a lie at all but still it hurts. They now entered the elevator and soon reached the fifth floor of the tower, the observation area from where they were able to see the city magnificent view. The lights shining around and a lot of people there enjoying the view. Clicking photos and buying stuffs.

Jungkook walked further into the crowd and started looking around the city. Taehyung followed him behind, standing by his side. He looked out at the city, looking amazing into gold and diamond. This was such an eye-catching view to see. He now looked at jungkook  who had a smile while looking out but still he was a bit questioning himself if jungkook is still angry. "Can you talk normally koo?" Jungkook looked at taehyung with confused eyes. "I am normal hyung."

Taehyung shake his head in disappointment. "Yeh, so normal.. I'll just look around I guess" He clearly wasn't liking how jungkook tone was. It was a date and he thinks, jungkook is angry yet. He didn't like how jungkook was behaving on a date. Yet the realisation that jungkook is like this because of him make him even angry but this time, on himself.

Taehyung walked out of there to look around and left jungkook there to enjoy however he wants. Jungkook could sense that taehyung was down because of his behavior but he didn't move to him as well. It even got him angry on how taehyung just left like jungkook was behaving extra. For him, he was doing perfect.

He instead looked out of the tower, enjoying the view. He looked around the city and start to make the way from his house to taehyung's house in his mind. He giggled when he reached the perfect place without even having any problem for a second.

It now became half an hour for him and now he felt bored but he was stubborn to go to taheyung. If taehyung wants, he can come and talk and if not, he will enjoy alone. He had a face of determination by now.

Two minutes passed furthermore when he finally felt someone presence behind him. The familiar smell hit his nose and his eyes closed for a second. He looked back and his doe eyes meet almond one that hold guilt in them. "sorry... I shouldn't have walk out like that." Taehyung held his hand

"and I shouldn't have behaved cunning. It's just.. I wasn't liking how you go to date with her." Jungkook pouted, making taehyung smiled at his behavior. He squeezed his hands softly and his grip become protectively tight over his hands.

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