chapter 12🍀

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The early day, 4am.. friday and cloudy weather yet again. A boy sitting on the sofa with his head burried in his knees while soft sobbs were leaving his mouth. He was crying silently at the early morning or let's say from thursday night only. Two days left and he will be going from here. He didn't go to taehyung room as he promised. Taehyung tried to convince him throughout the time that he was just angry and didn't mean those words, he still didn't go.

Jungkook is really a self centred person. For him, shelf respect means a lot. When none could say so to him then why would taehyung do so? Jungkook would talk to taehyung sweetly and nicely.. he doesn't reply to his cheesy talk or anything flirty but just ignore it from last day only. He really hate how taehyung said, it's his personality. If his nature is a bit flirty then is it his fault that his nature is that he fall for taehyung in a small time?

He thought that taehyung is bisexual but no, he is not bisexual as well. He is straight. He like girls only. Now only two days left.. how can he even try so? He know at the end, only he will get hurt by his tries so he even stop trying. He would talk to him formally and try to accept him as his friend only.

Jungkook now took a deep breath and wiped his tears. He blankly stared at the wall in front of him. He was trying to see why, why was his destiny playing with his heart. Isn't he a kind person? He help people as well, he clearly remember help the grandma who was trying to cross the road or the lady whose fruit feel down from the basket in the middle of road so jungkook helped her, giving money to the NGO and at orphanage or oldage house. How can his good deeds return to him like this.

He doesn't even know if he will come back soon or not. What if he get's late and taehyung marry someone else? Have kids with them? Start to love them? He wouldn't be handling it. He can never accept that. He has to come and convince taehyung to be with him.

However, now he heard a soft click sound and he sighed at the voice hence again. He hide himself in the shawl and closed his eyes. He didn't wanted to talk to taehyung right now.

"Enough cinnamon? Why are you behaving much? Get inside the room and sleep there."

"Told you.. not want to see your face."

He snapped at him and taehyung sighed. He walked to jungkook and picked him up in bridal style and walked inside the room with him. Jungkook wiggle in his arms throwing his hands in air and kicking the air just to get release from taehyung's grip but taehyung tighten around him.

"No movement cinnamon. You are gonna tell me what is going on in your this small brain."

Jungkook scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest and glared at taehyung. They entered the room, taehyung put jungkook down. Jungkook huffed and his eyes already brim tears. He tried to silde them off but they didn't go off.

"What's it kookie? Why don't you just talk what is bothering you?"


Jungkook shouted and taehyung furrown. He moved to the boy but jungkook back awayed from him. Taehyung just shake his head and held jungkook arm. He connected his eyes with jungkook's and held his chin softly, just to let his hand jerked away by jungkook.

"Stop... Please I beg you."

"What? What did I even do?"

Taehyung asked. He was tired as well because he just couldn't sleep any near. He was feeling bad for jungkook and angry on himself to tell the boy to go out of the room. Just two days was making him feel lonely in the room. He kind of get habitual to jungkook presence in his room.

"Y.. you don't know? Are you retarded? God!! Even the stupidest person would be smarter than you!! You are good for nothing hyungie!!"

"Then why are you make things up?? Why don't you tell me what is going on?"

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