chapter 16🍀

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It was fourth day of jungkook being in his house. After that day, his health was not good at all so he was suggested a big house rest. Even though he wanted to go to meet his Mr. Kim he was forced to stay here. Jungkook was now missing his nr. Kim a lot as it's already four days since he has seen him.

He scoffed when the door was opened by suga at the afternoon. Jungkook folded his hands above his chest and pouted.

"Eat this food and then your medicine."

"Noo! Hyungie, I am missing taehyungie hyung a lot. Can we go to the office? I'll just sit there silently.."

Jungkook asked but seeing the movement of another person in his room, his eyes widened. A big toothed smile formed on his lips as he immediately stood up from bed even though suga tried to stop him.

"Hyungie!!!! You come to meet me?? Did you miss me??"

"He came because I wanted to give him some work related files. Leave him kook."

Jungkook opened his face in a small oval shape and back awayed. He still smiled at taehyung who was standing there with not so good expression. Did taehyung miss him? Or, he didn't even care like his expression were, boring... probably after meeting him.

"You eat, we will go and do work. Come taehyung."

"No.. sit here only. I am fine now."

Jungkook suggested but he pouted when taehyung left with suga ignoring him. Why do he always have to ignore him? He huffed but let it go. He looked at the plate of food and now actually felt hungry. He ate his food as soon as possible even if he had to drink water more than eating food because of his hurries during eating.

He took his tablet and after eating them he quickly walked out of the room, not even waiting for medicine to enter his stomach. He quickly get down and saw taehyung leaving from there. He widened his eyes and shouted loudly.

"Hey!!! Don't go!!"

Jungkook ran down and stood at the door way where taehyung was standing. He sign him to wait until he take breaths. After taking deep breaths, jungkook stood straight and have taehyung a big smile.

"Afternoon it is. Lunch time, come.. hyungie and I will prepare something delicious for you. What do you want to eat? Bibimbap? Japchae? Tteokbokki? What??"

"I have work.."

A dry reply come from taehyung's mouth and jungkook clearly hated it. A pout was created on his face and he tried to snatch the files away from taehyung's hand but taehyung kept his hand away so that the boy don't reach the files.

"Kook let him go.."

"But hyungie, it's so cold outside. Later, not now. Look weather is also not right. Taehyungie hyungie, you stay here.. let me bring some lunch.."

He tried to make a reason but oh, his such cute lie didn't last long because the faint rats of sun were visible from the windows. The weather was all fine even though it is December.

"I must go jungkook. Stop it.. i am not hungry.."

"Then warm coffee? Oh no.. not coffee, hot chocolate shake? I'll prepare it and you can keep it with you. It's cold.."

Jungkook suggested but seeing the straight face of taehyung, his excitement died down. He sighed and left his hand.

"Go carefully.."

He said and turned around, leaving to his room back. He didn't look back at anyone and when he reached his room, he entered inside. Taehyung didn't even asked about his health but walked away. Is it how his life is going to be? He sighed and then pouted. God, can't taehyung give him one chance?

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