1. Invited

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"Do you think I look good with the jacket?" The girl with long black hair asked her friend, the one with dyed blonde hair. She looked at her friend with a slight frown.

"Chaeyoung?" She called out.

"Sorry," Chaeyoung apologized, snapping out of her daze, and looking at her friend.

Lisa sighed, following Chaeyoung's gaze. It wasn't hard to see what had distracted her. Jisoo, the school's Vice President, was walking down the hallway alongside Jennie Kim, the school's queen bee. Rumors had always swirled around the two of them-some said they were dating, others claimed they were cousins, and a few insisted they were secretly twins separated at birth. No one really knew for sure, but they were definitely inseparable.

"Looking at Jisoo again?" Lisa teased, her tone light but pointed. "Very typical. You should just go talk to her!"

"Come on, Lisa. You know Jisoo would never talk to me," Chaeyoung sighed, dragging a hand through her blonde hair. "I'm not her type."

"You never know," Lisa replied with a shrug. "I mean, I've never seen her date anyone. Maybe she's into blonde cheerleaders?"



"Park! Manobal!"

A voice rang out, and both Chaeyoung and Lisa looked over to see Jennie Kim, her smile bright and unmistakably mischievous. Jisoo, of course, was walking alongside her, looking effortlessly flawless, her presence as captivating as ever in Chaeyoung's eyes. Jennie had her arm casually linked through Jisoo's, like they were royalty surveying their kingdom.

"It's actually Manoban," Lisa corrected her.

"It's Manobal to me," Jennie retorted, her smirk sharp as ever. "I'm not here to argue a fight you won't win, though. I'm here to invite you both!"

"Invite us?" Chaeyoung echoed from behind Lisa, her surprise clear.

"Yes! As you both know, today is the last day of school," Jennie announced, her tone as lively as ever. "I'm hosting a final party tonight! Isn't that just wonderful?" She beamed with pride. "I've invited the entire class, which means I expect to see both of you there too!"

"Us? At a party?" Chaeyoung blinked, the idea so foreign she could barely imagine it. "We-"

"We will be there, Kim," Lisa interrupted smoothly, crossing her arms and smirking as if she had already decided for both of them. "Trust us."

"Wonderful!" Jennie let go of Jisoo's arm, leaning in to whisper, "I'll be keeping an eye out for you two. Don't disappoint me."

"We'll be easy to spot," Lisa replied confidently, though Chaeyoung could only stare in disbelief.

Jennie gave a dramatic sigh before turning to Jisoo. "Boo, can you believe her? We should be celebrating! Come on, Chu, it's our final day! Live a little!"

Jisoo gave a soft chuckle, shaking her head at Jennie's antics. "We need to get to class."

"Oh well, I guess we'll be seeing you tonight, then!" Jennie said over her shoulder, her voice still light as they began to walk away.

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