10. Graduation Day

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Chaeyoung stared at herself in the mirror, the cap and gown hanging awkwardly on her shoulders. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep, her mind still spinning from the events of the previous night. The bright, cheery morning light streaming through her bedroom window felt almost mocking.

Today was supposed to be a celebration, the culmination of years of hard work and late nights. But all Chaeyoung could think about was seeing Jisoo again. Her stomach twisted at the thought.

"Are you ready yet?" Lisa called out from the other side of the door. "We need to get going soon!"

Chaeyoung took a deep breath, trying to push down the wave of anxiety threatening to overwhelm her. She grabbed her tassel, adjusting it slightly before opening the door.

Lisa stood in the hallway, already dressed in her graduation gown, her black hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She looked Chaeyoung up and down, then smirked.

"Well, don't you look like the picture of success," Lisa teased, though there was a softness in her eyes. "Feeling ready to take on the world?"

"Not really," Chaeyoung admitted, leaning against the doorframe. "I'm kind of freaking out."

Lisa's smile faded slightly as she nodded. "Because of Jisoo?"

Chaeyoung sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah. I don't know what I'm going to say to her. Or if I should say anything at all."

Lisa stepped closer, putting a reassuring hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder. "Hey, whatever happens, just remember-you've got this. You're one of the smartest, most amazing people I know. Jisoo would be lucky to have you, no matter how last night went down."

Chaeyoung gave her a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Lisa. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Lisa grinned, her usual playful demeanor returning. "You'd probably still be asleep in Jennie's guest room, hungover as hell."

Chaeyoung chuckled despite herself. "Yeah, probably."

Lisa glanced at the clock on her phone and then grabbed Chaeyoung by the arm. "Alright, enough of this emotional shit. We're going to be late! Let's get out of here."

Chaeyoung let Lisa drag her out of the house and into the waiting car. As they drove towards the graduation ceremony, Chaeyoung tried to focus on anything other than the looming confrontation with Jisoo. She glanced out the window, watching the familiar streets of their town pass by, trying to calm the storm brewing in her chest.

But no matter how much she tried to distract herself, her mind kept circling back to the same question: what would happen when she saw Jisoo again?

By the time they arrived at the school, the campus was buzzing with excitement. Students in their caps and gowns were gathered in groups, chatting excitedly and taking pictures. Proud parents milled about, looking for the best spot to capture their child's big moment.

Chaeyoung and Lisa made their way through the crowd, exchanging smiles and waves with their classmates. It was surreal to think that this chapter of their lives was coming to an end. But all Chaeyoung could think about was spotting Jisoo in the sea of people.

"There she is," Lisa whispered, nudging Chaeyoung with her elbow.

Chaeyoung's heart skipped a beat as she followed Lisa's gaze. Sure enough, standing near the front of the stage, was Kim Jisoo. She looked effortlessly beautiful in her cap and gown, her dark hair falling in loose waves around her shoulders. She was laughing with Jennie, who had her arm slung around Jisoo's shoulders in a carefree manner.

Chaeyoung froze, her nerves kicking into overdrive. She had no idea what to say, how to even begin this conversation. But she couldn't avoid Jisoo forever.

"Go talk to her," Lisa urged, giving Chaeyoung a gentle push forward. "You can do this."

Chaeyoung swallowed hard, nodding slightly. With shaky legs, she started walking toward Jisoo, her heart pounding louder with every step. Jisoo hadn't noticed her yet, too engrossed in her conversation with Jennie.

But then, as if sensing her presence, Jisoo looked up. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still.

Jisoo's smile faltered slightly, her expression unreadable as she took in Chaeyoung's presence. Jennie noticed the shift and glanced between the two of them before giving Jisoo a playful pat on the back.

"I'll leave you two to it," Jennie said with a knowing smirk before walking away.

Now, it was just Chaeyoung and Jisoo, standing in the middle of the bustling graduation crowd. The air between them was thick with unspoken words, tension crackling like electricity.

"Hey," Chaeyoung managed to say, her voice sounding far more casual than she felt.

"Hey," Jisoo replied softly, her eyes searching Chaeyoung's face as if she was trying to figure out what to say next.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The weight of the previous night hung between them like a heavy fog.

Finally, Jisoo broke the silence. "About last night..."

Chaeyoung's breath caught in her throat. Here it was-the moment she had been dreading and anticipating all morning.

"I-" Chaeyoung began, but Jisoo held up a hand, stopping her.

"Can we talk after the ceremony?" Jisoo asked, her voice gentle but firm. "I think we both need some time to process everything."

Chaeyoung nodded, relief and anxiety swirling together in her chest. "Yeah, of course. After the ceremony."

Jisoo gave her a small, reassuring smile before turning to join her classmates near the stage. Chaeyoung watched her go, her mind still spinning. It wasn't the resolution she had expected, but at least it wasn't the end.

Lisa sidled up beside Chaeyoung, nudging her again. "Well? How'd it go?"

"She wants to talk after the ceremony," Chaeyoung said quietly.

Lisa grinned. "See? You're not screwed. Yet."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. As nervous as she was, she couldn't deny the flicker of hope that sparked in her chest.

Maybe graduation wouldn't just be an ending. Maybe it could be the beginning of something new.

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