2. Prep for chaos

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Chaeyoung and Lisa burst through the door to Lisa’s house, backpacks slung over their shoulders as they kicked off their shoes and made a beeline for Lisa’s room. The nervous energy that had been swirling around Chaeyoung all day was only intensifying now that the party was just hours away. Lisa, on the other hand, seemed perfectly at ease, almost excited.

Lisa’s room was chaotic but cozy—a reflection of her personality. Clothes were strewn across the floor, posters of her favorite bands plastered the walls, and a soft breeze blew through the slightly open window, letting in the fading afternoon light.

"Alright, Chaeng. We need to get you looking hot,” Lisa declared, dumping her backpack onto the floor and immediately diving into her closet. “None of that jeans and hoodie nonsense.”

Chaeyoung groaned as she dropped onto Lisa’s bed. “Why do I have to look ‘hot’ exactly? It’s just a party.”

Lisa popped her head out from behind a pile of clothes, raising an eyebrow. “Uh, because this is *the* party of the year? And because you know Jisoo is going to be there.”

Chaeyoung rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. “You really think I have a shot with Jisoo?”

“Why not?” Lisa said with a grin, throwing a couple of dresses onto the bed beside Chaeyoung. “You’ve been eyeing her for months, maybe even years. Tonight’s the night, Chaeng. You never know unless you try.”

Chaeyoung picked up one of the dresses—a black, form-fitting number that looked both stylish and intimidating. She held it up, frowning. “Isn’t this a little... much?”

Lisa shrugged, looking at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “If you’re gonna make a statement, you might as well go all out.”

“I don’t know…” Chaeyoung hesitated, still holding the dress up as if trying to picture herself wearing it.

Lisa plopped down beside her on the bed and gave her a gentle nudge. “Look, you don’t have to impress anyone if you don’t want to. Just wear whatever makes you feel confident. But, if you want to get Jisoo’s attention, maybe step outside your comfort zone a little?”

Chaeyoung sighed but nodded. She knew Lisa was right—tonight wasn’t the night to blend in. “Okay, fine. But if I look ridiculous, I’m blaming you.”

“I’ll take full responsibility,” Lisa smirked, getting up to rummage through her own closet for an outfit. She pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and a leather jacket, tossing them onto a nearby chair. “There. I’m going for edgy but casual. Classic Lisa.”

Chaeyoung laughed, shaking her head. “You and your leather jackets.”

“They never fail me,” Lisa winked before disappearing into the bathroom to change.

Chaeyoung hesitated for a moment longer before slowly getting up and slipping into the dress. She stood in front of Lisa’s full-length mirror, smoothing out the fabric as she examined her reflection. The dress hugged her in all the right places, and while it wasn’t something she would normally wear, it made her feel… different. Stronger, maybe. Like she could actually walk into that party and hold her own.

Lisa emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, her outfit perfectly styled as always. She grinned at the sight of Chaeyoung in the dress. “Damn, Chaeng, you look good.”

“Really?” Chaeyoung asked, turning to face her friend, still feeling a little self-conscious.

“Really,” Lisa confirmed, walking over and adjusting the straps of the dress slightly. “You’re going to kill it tonight.”

Chaeyoung smiled, feeling a small flicker of confidence building inside her. “Thanks, Lisa.”

Lisa gave her a playful wink. “That’s what I’m here for.”

After some final adjustments—adding a pair of ankle boots, a little bit of makeup, and a spritz of perfume—Chaeyoung and Lisa were finally ready. They stood side by side in front of the mirror, and for a moment, Chaeyoung felt a strange sense of pride. They were stepping into unfamiliar territory tonight, but at least they were doing it together.

“You nervous?” Lisa asked, grabbing her phone and keys as they headed out of the room.

Chaeyoung bit her lip. “A little. But mostly… excited, I think.”

“Good,” Lisa said with a grin. “We’re going to have a blast.”

They made their way to the car, the anticipation building with every step. Chaeyoung’s heart raced as she settled into the passenger seat, watching Lisa crank up the stereo with a laugh. The music pulsed through the car as they pulled out of the driveway, the fading light of day casting long shadows on the streets ahead.

“Tonight’s the start of something new,” Lisa said, her voice barely audible over the music.

Chaeyoung glanced over at her friend, smiling softly. She wasn’t sure what the night would bring—chaos, fun, maybe even a little heartbreak—but she knew one thing for sure:

this was their moment.

And she was ready to take it on.

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