Chapter 33

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The walk home is quiet too, which is nice. The others and I had split due to them having things they had to do right after classes. Kal had to do some stuff involving her Pack and Marie has a college thing she's looking into with her family. With the Packs moving, I'll be able to stay close to Kal, maybe, but I know I'll end up losing touch with Marie, which is really going to hurt.

If I understand things right, if we're going to lands that are made specifically for wolves, then I doubt that'll leave much room for human involvement or interaction. Pretty sure I could still call her and such, but I wouldn't be able to share anything with her that's going on like we do now. It wouldn't be realistic as we'd be so far apart, the other wolves would become extremely suspicious. Pretty sure many of them already are.

Getting home, my parents' cars are here, which is uncommon. Heading in, I hear them talking in the living room, so I head upstairs. While I'll be going over to Marie's in awhile to do some work, I go ahead and do what I can here since there isn't much else for me to do. Doesn't take me long, proven when I next look up at the clock to show just over an hour has passed. I believe I heard my brother return, but Mythine has yet to, which isn't surprising.

Returning everything to my bag, I look around my room. I hadn't finished unpacking everything from when we first moved in, and I guess that's a blessing now as I'd just have to repack it all. Not like I have much anyway. With my sister's words from earlier today echoing in my head about our shared birthday looming, it just seems like the natural thing to start packing away everything I don't need immediately.

Once that's finished, I grab my bag and head back downstairs, aiming for the kitchen for a drink before I head out. My parents are still in the living room talking, though would seem this time they're filling my brother in on stuff. I continue on about my business, getting a glass of water, but almost drop it when hearing Faust's last name mentioned.

"The acreage bought is originally deeded to the Nightbane's who make up the Midnight Fang Pack. It's the royal family that is overseeing the protection of not just our Lunar Soul or the Grotto Falls Packs, but many others in several other territories as well. Treaties have been enlisted and signed to put Packs together before moving to a designated location where a larger community can be built."

There's a slight pause in my father's explanation before he continues. I set the glass down before I drop it.

"This is to see if those Packs can cohabitate, you see. If not, then they're paired with another that preferably lives near them, but that isn't always the case. If a Pack shows it can not coexist with another after 3 attempts, the treaty is broken and they become exempt from the royals protection. This often leads to confrontation as they will not put up with a Pack they can not dominate."

My mother speaks up at this point and it has my eyes dropping to the water in the glass, showing it quivering.

"He means war, love. You and your siblings have had a very easy and quiet life so far, but that is going to be changing very soon. We are part of the alliance, so we don't have to worry about any war on our end, but the community we'll be building is a compound, make no mistake. There will be plenty of land to run and hunt on, but that means borders to patrol. Warriors to be trained. Your age group is going to get a major reteaching once we've moved."

My brother remains silent during all of this. I can imagine his mind is probably whirling just as much as mine is. When our father speaks up again, my hand clenches on the glass in front of me.

"You probably haven't heard, but there are large parts of the country, whole states even, that have put out bans on Werewolves. Trouble is brewing, and we want to be safe if and when things turn south. Loners may be easy to pick off if they're spotted, but they're not considered the danger that whole Packs are when we move into a city or town."

The conversation continues, but I end up not hearing it as my own thoughts become too loud. I'd never dreamed there was this much trouble going on. I knew we were sheltered to a point, but not this bad. And it was all about to come to an end once we get moved. It also means that all the trouble Myth is creating with her 'feral runt' rumors could seriously get blown out of control.

I can't stop it now though, even if the Alpha's have been warned. Those rumors were let loose in a co-species high school. Not sure if there's a worse spot it could have happened for it to spread faster. Even if I were to try and be on my best behavior, both Myth and the others are intent on keeping kicked down. I doubt my threats today will keep her at bay for long.

My blood fairly boils as I think of how helpless I've been made to be. Also has me wondering if the stories about the other Runts going 'feral' and/or 'mad' were an actual thing or because they were being driven to the ends of their rope the same way they're trying to do to me. Hitting a breaking point because they couldn't take any more abuse. Is it right to be labeled as such when you're finally defending yourself?

I swallow down the water from the glass before setting it in the sink carefully. The voices are still ongoing in the living room, and while I know I should probably stay and listen, I can't get myself to do so. Heading for the door, no one stops me as I walk out. Sometimes, it's good to be invisible.


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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