Chapter 8

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Edit with Grammarly: 4/30/2020

When school finally lets out, Kalista and I are on our way towards the bookstore she'd mentioned earlier today.

The day was mostly uneventful, which is good. We found that the spot I had picked out yesterday at lunch hasn't been taken over, so we claimed it again today. That's where Markus found us again to say hi in between his classes, and I think that's when the three of us came up with a system.

While facing each other, we can also see who's coming up on one another's backs. In his facing me, I was able to warn him that my sister was coming up the hallway behind him. He'd winced, which had Kalista and I feeling for him while still smiling, then he was giving his farewells while he hurried off in the other direction.

Of course, that left me with the full weight of Myth's withering glare, which I dropped my eyes to, but I was still smiling when she turned away. Could tell she wanted to storm out, but she couldn't very well do that with her posse around her. Kalista and I shared the camaraderie of the moment before we had to part for our classes, and that was pretty much the highlight of the school day.

The bookstore is a few city blocks away from the school, but that isn't too bad, it could always be worse. It could always be next-town-over craziness that you have to take a cab, a bus, then a ferry to get to. See? Could always be worse.

'Bettie Bangle's Books and Baubles'

Well, that's a mouthful. Through the large glass windows though, it does look charming. Going in to the chime of a bell over the door, just the sound brings a smile to my face. Two stories filled with rows and shelves of books, while along the walls there are glass figurines, maps, and puzzles.

It smells just how you think it would; the stuffiness of books. That dryness that has it's own distinct scent. Off to the side, there's even a small reading nook that you can see right out the window from. I love it.

Kalista tugs on my sleeve and points me to the counter, where an older woman is eyeballing us warily. Looking over to the window to make sure, there is still a sign there seeking help, so I go up to her nervously, with what I hope is a warm smile.

"Hi, I came to apply for the job opening."

She looks me up and down then over at Kalista, who'd wandered off to look at stuff.

"I don't want any hooligans in here. No loitering, smoking, or stealing either."

Blinking at her, I'm taken aback by her near hostility. Firming my spine, I smile once more.

"I agree. I don't consider myself a hooligan, since I plan to work I won't be loitering, I don't smoke, and I have no reason to steal. It would only be part-time since I'm still in school, but I can come here right after."

She peers at me over a pair of reading glasses, eyes cynical, and judging as they take in my features.

"You one of them wolves?"

I wince, about to kiss the job goodbye more than likely, but I stay determined.

"Yes, ma'am."

She looks over me again, more curious now.

"You don't shed, do you?"

I can hear Kalista choking over in one of the isles, and I have to fight not to frown.

"No ma'am, not when I'm in human form anyway."

"No fleas?"

There's a growl coming from further in now, luckily too low for the woman to hear it.

"No fleas."

Least I hope not, I never did check after my beach incident, but I haven't noticed anything.

The woman finally nods slowly, moving around some papers on the counter.

"Do you have any previous experience working a register or customer service of any kind?"

Actually, I do, so while I spend the next several minutes doing what basically amounts to being my interview, I give her my past experiences and references while Kal roams the store.

"My granddaughter also works here, but has been home sick, which is part of the reason I need the help, but if you do good enough I'll consider keeping you on. Come back tomorrow and I'll take you through the place and get you started."

Thanking her for her time, we leave, after my friend buys a small bird figurine. I'm a little surprised at that, not about the whole buying it part, but the bird part. When we get outside, I ask about it.

"You like birds?"

She shrugs but smiles, unwrapping it partway and holding it up. There's really no distinguishing what kind of bird it is, but it's in mid-flight and has long wings.

"They tend to symbolize freedom more so than wolves do. Wolves are tethered to the earth, birds get access to both earth and sky."

Looking from her to the statuette, I can see what she means. Being an Omega, she has the option to make her way up in the Pack, because she's still a part of it, tethered to it in a sense. Looking at things the way she does, I could break off and reach for those skies, but I'd have nothing to catch me if I fell.

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