Chapter 15

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Edited with Grammarly: 5/3/2020

In walks my least two favorite people; Faust and Myth. My groan catches both their attentions and while Myth gives me a death glare, Faust looks downright amused. Marie clears her throat, glaring back at the other girl, but her grandmother swats her and sends her back upstairs.

Bettie knows who Myth is, she narrows her eyes at her before heading back to her back shelves. I set the pen down before I break it, the last thing I need is for the ink to start splashing everywhere. They step in further, my sister hanging on his arm as if she's already married to the guy.

Faust is glancing around, his nose flaring as he uses it. Interesting. He's the only wolf I've seen to come in here and do that. I did it, but that's because I love the smell of books, he doesn't strike me as the book type. Like, at all.

One of Mythine's arms are at his back, but much too low to actually be on his back. I can't help my nose curl, and they both catch it. Where his brow raises over glittering eyes, Myth smirks.

"Jealous, Runt?"

I snort rudely, picking the pen back up for something to do with my hands.

"Of you? Hardly. I'm not sure which one of you to feel more sorry for, really. Cheers to you both."

Turning my back, I can hear my sister's growl.

"Care to tell me where your maps are?"

"I'll show you."

Looking over, Marie is coming back down the stairs, her eyes hard and spine stiff. Faust is the one who asked, I doubt my sibling even knows how to read one. I keep my back turned, but I hear them both follow the girl back to where the maps are kept.

My stomach is cramping, and pressing a hand to it isn't helping. Werewolves menstruate just like humans do, but this isn't that.

"How lame. How can you not have the right maps?"

Sister's voice is getting louder, so I take it they're coming back.

"What maps are you seeking?"

Bettie hurries over, not looking happy herself. When Faust starts listing them off, I cock my head.

"Those ones sold already."

The look on his face flashes to irritation before disappearing like it was never there. Catching my gaze, he looks at me speculatively.

"I can re-order them if you'd like? It won't take but a moment."

Bettie couldn't be more cajoling if she tried and it has me looking at her with a raised brow. I'm ignored as she makes her way to the computer, and Myth scoffs and starts up her bitching, but before she can get too far, he speaks up first.


That catches us all off guard I think, as we all look at him. He's not looking at us though, but at the reading nook, concentration on his face. The old woman smiles as she pulls up her order forms, clacking away happily while I scoot closer to Marie.

The girl is ogling the tall male, so turning my back to him, I catch her attention before my sister does and starts up something. She blinks rapidly as if coming out of a trance and blushes beat red, then hurries off to the bathroom. Strange.

Looking back, information is getting written down and exchanged while Myth leans against the counter waiting for him, looking bored. My nose wrinkles again. She may be beautiful externally, but internally she's shallow, self-centered, and thinks of no one but herself. I really do feel sorry for any wolf who takes her as his mate.

They leave, and from the corner of my eye, I can see him look back before he exits. It makes my heart pound then flutter while I stand there confused by my body's reaction. Marie comes back shortly after.

"You alright?"

She nods and blushes a little.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't mean to get all googly-eyed on the enemy an all. When he's not acting like a dick or has that mocking expression... When he was looking over into the nook, he was so focused on something else that he looked so different."

I give her a look of near dread and fear before she starts swatting at me, and I can't help but laugh. Seeing Marie with that man doesn't sound very good either, I can see him eating her alive then leaving her a broken mess. Looking over at the small reading area myself, I think about something.

"It is curious though, isn't it?"

"What is? That he's with that witch of a sister of yours? No offense."

Smirking, I shake my head.

"None taken, and no, not that. Those maps he was wanting? They're the same ones that Alpha Kristos bought the other day."

The 'O' face she makes before she starts thinking has me smiling. Already thinking Werewolves are mysterious, she just landed herself a mystery that even I don't know the answer to. It does make me wonder just what was on those maps now, and why they've become so popular.

Why would Faust want the same maps the old Alpha just bought? Is there something going on? Who is that wolf anyway?

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