Thank You

443 33 18

This is a thank you note. I wanted to say thank you for:

►Reading my story
►Voting on it
►Leaving comments
►All your compliments
►Your dorky "I can't" or "the feels" moments
►Believing in me
►Still having this in your library
And last but not least in any way
►Almost 70K reads

That's right guys, my 21 [now 22] part story has reached approximately 69.1K reads. So um, that's mind blowing. You guys BLOW MY MIND! You are still commenting, still voting, still reading! I've not touched this for months and it's still so active. My most active story.

So I am thanking you. All of you. There are like 1.5K comments and votes as well. Like holy bananas.

Now I have a goal/challenge for you, if you guys are boss enough. If you are as much of a dude or bacca as anyone else here. Do you thinks it's possible to get this to 100K? Make this story known!

Share this with everyone who hasn't read it because you have stuck around this long, so I must have done something right.

Sorry if this sounds needy, if it sounds rude. Or like I'm a "read whore" something like that? Are those a real thing? But I want people to be able to enjoy books on here as much as I used to. And if I can reach that many people, I would be like a dream come true.

Once again thank you. I'm always on by the way. You can always message me. I more commonly answer comments now, you can always get in contact with me. Have an idea, shoot me up.

ANNNYWAAAYS... Read on my little bells!

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