Chapter 15: Loving Neighbors

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As we were driving down the highway, I glanced over at Mitch. His eyes were locked on the moving surrounding as we passed through the American border. He looked sad, but once as we passed the border, a smile grew from ear to ear.

It only took us about 3 more hours to get to my house. He fell asleep, and he looked absolutely adorable. His rosy cheeks shined bright with every gleam of light that came through the window. His smoky eyelashes nearly touched his cheeks, looking soft as his touch. His hair flying everywhere as if he stuck his head out the window, although he hasn't moved an inch.

I placed my hand over his as I drove into the driveway, he was a little shaken as his eyes slowly fluttered open. That same smile found it's way back to his lips. He looked down at our hands and said nothing about it, he just fell back asleep. I got the gist that he didn't care, none the less loved it and I took the liberty to tighten my grip only slightly so he knows I'm here for him.

As I came to a stop in the driveway of my house, the car jolted forward a little a woke up Mitch again.

"We're home buddy," I whispered to Mitch in a soft tone as I shook his shoulder slightly.

I hopped out of the car and walked over to the other side where Mitch was. I slid my arms under him and carried him bridal style to the door of the house.

"Can you open the door?" He reached his hand down, turned the knob and then he gently shoved open the door.

As I walked in, I softly placed Mitch on the couch. I walked upstairs to the closet by the bathroom and grabbed a blanket. The I walked into my bedroom and snatched my fluffiest pillow. Walking back down stairs I noticed Mitch was almost asleep anyways, so I lightly lifted up his head and dropped the pillow behind it. Laying the blanket down on him, he lifted him head up to fluff the pillow.

"It's fluffy, like you." I laughed at his small joke and proceeded to walk into the kitchen. But as I was walking into the empty kitchen, I realized something. The present... We were gone for a month, what happened to it?

I ran towards the door, and I heard a faint voice speak up.

"Where are you going?" Mitch tried to spit out, his voice still hoarse from not speaking for a month.

"Going to get the mail... I wasn't really here for a month because, I was with you everyday..."

"You never left the room?" He placed his hand over his throat. I could tell he was hurting. I walked over to him and sat down at his feet.

"Nope, I sat in there everyday of the month you were gone. Waiting for you to come back to me. I couldn't loose you, you mean everything to me." Before he could say anything I pulled him in for a sweet and soft hug. I let go and walked out the door.

I began sprinting towards our neighbors' Skylar and Alexi, but they beat me to the door. Alexi was one of my good friends from college at Princeton. She was always funny and just plain crazy around me and the guys. But as soon as you heard her speak, you knew she was a jersey girl. Her reputation was cleaner than her mouth.

Alexi always had that gothic look to her. She had a midnight black bob and beautiful cheek bones, that really showed off her violet looking eyes. I can see she still loves her enderman looking hoodie with a lacey skirt and leggings. She always wore black heels or a leather boot. The boots suited her better.

Alexi has been sharing her house with her girlfriend Skylar. When we first met she was super nice and shy. But as we got to know each other she turned out to be the dorkiest and most outgoing person I had ever met. She was beautiful, but I've pretty much always been gay so she doesn't interest me. Alexi was a lucky woman.

Skylar had fun little curls in her dark chocolate hair. Her eyes that matched were always slightly covered by her nerdy glasses, even though they don't have prescription. Skylar was the girl who loved to wear flouncy little dresses, and cute jean jackets over top. Her normal pink vans reminded me of Amelia. I'm surprised they don't know each other, better yet, are best friends.

"Have you guys seen some-" They handed me two brown boxes labeled 'FedEx'. Why is there two? I looked back at both the girls before leaving.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled at them, but Skylar caught my arm before I could leave.

"Where were you?" She looked at me concerned. I usually went over there about three times a week, but I hadn't because I was gone.

"I went to Mitch's cabin with him, and we got in a fight. He wanted to go home, but on the free-way we were-uh.. We got hit off the road by a drunk driver," I almost began to sob thinking about that night. Alexi placed her hand on my shoulder, while Skylar tried to sooth me. It was quite funny so I perked up a little.

"I was saved, but Mitch wasn't so lucky..." They both looked at me, tears readying them selves to fall at any moment.

"He was in the hospital for about a good month. I sat by his side everyday, and just watched him. It was so peaceful you know, Just getting to sit and look at him forever without getting weird looks." The two girls looked at each other with a smile, and intertwined their fingers.

"But we missed our birthdays, and I ordered him a present. Apparently he ordered something too, but not sure what... Kind of tempted to look, but he might kill me." I chuckled a little and so did they.

"I should probably get back to the house-"

"And Mitch..." Skylar cut in. A blush rose to my face, and set it's self there for a while. I waved goodbye to the girls, as they walked into their house.

As I neared the door, I could see a little head poke back inside from the window. I walk inside to see Mitch frantically trying to look asleep. I play along with it, and toss the packages on the counter. I sit back down at Mitch's feet and begin playing with them. He doesn't move a muscle, until I realize that's not where he's ticklish.

I climb onto him and began tickling his sides. He squirms around and his eyes finally shoot open. I give him a small hug, grab my box, and walk up stairs to my room. I grabbed a little bag with tissue paper on the way up.

I sat the box down on my bed, where my missing pillow was. I rip off the tap only to reveal something I didn't expect. It was a necklace, like Mitch's dog tag?

((Oh My Gosh... That's all I can say. I am so thankful to everyone who has read my story, and stuck in there this long...!!! If you didn't know, or couldn't tell i'm thanking you for the 1K reads I have!! Wow! Just ahh thanks is all I can say. Here is the 15th chapter, and in here I added uhhh, lets see... @Lexi10951 and @Skylar0010, also last chapter I added @iluvmerome in... So go check them out! I think they all have at least one story, so go read them! ANNNYWAAAYS... Read on my little bells!))

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