Chapter 6: Getting Ready

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((Hai, I just wanted to say before this, sorry I didn't update. I was having some back writers block. Yeah, I know... LILY THATS ALWYAS THE EXCUSE!! Well you know what, it's a very good one anyways, yeeeeeeah. Also I should tell you, this chapter is mostly Mitch... Aaaaand as always... Read on my little bells!))


*JEROME'S POV* (Short)

Mitch was screaming, and crying in his sleep. I sat there trying to wake him up.

"Mi-ii-tt-chh?" I screamed. "Mitch wake up! It's alright biggums!"

He looked around, his faced showed horror, and streams of tears.

"Yeah?" He said hesitating.

"Mitch, you were screaming and crying. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, im just really tired..." He looked at me then fell back to sleep, but with his head in my lap this time, I could tell he felt more safe next to me. And I felt warmer, having his in my arms. I waited a few minutes to make sure he was sleeping.

I slightly kissed his forehead, I saw a small smile grow on his face. He was either dreaming or felt me. I wish it was the first, but most likely not. He might not feel the same way. After about 3 minutes of thinking, I looked back down at his beautiful face.

Although I couldn't see his eyes, his face was still the most wonderful thing I could look at. I placed my hand on his head and began brushing my hand though his coffee colored hair. It was soft and smooth, like silk. I could do it all day.

"I love you Mitch, and someday you'll see."

~o~O~o~ Le Time Skip ~o~O~o~


I opened my eyes, and saw Jerome's head above mine. His face looked so soft, just like his lips. His eyes started to crack open, and I quickly shut mine, so he wouldn't know I had been awake. I could feel him adjust his body I waited to feel if he would get up and do something in the kitchen, but nothing happened.

Next thing I knew, my hair was being combed by his hands. Then after a few minutes of that, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, repeating last night. But then he started to talk to me, as if he was totally unaware that I had been awake.

He muttered something's, before I heard something that caught my attention. I thought he was just going to say the same thing as last night, but this had more meaning. I could tell these were just his thoughts spilling out of him finally.

"There's this boy and the way he laughs, makes me smile, the way he talks gives me butterflies, and just everything about his makes me happy. The twinkle in his eyes when ours meet, the way he holds my face in his soft hands.

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But the most painful thing is to love someone, and never have the courage to tell them. I wonder sometimes if you'll ever understand just how much of me belongs to you. I wonder if you think about me when you cant sleep? Or smile at just the mention of my name? What if you think the world of me and I've never noticed?

It's the little things you do that make me so crazily attracted to you. But I always fall for people I cant have... Its so hard to pretend to be friends with you, when every time I look at you , all I see is everything i want, but cant have.

But you're my shining star, because everything I've ever wished for, is everything you are. Sometimes we get so busy, that we don't notice the ones we care about and who mean so much to us. But... You can be sure you're thought about and loved a whole lot too. Because there could never be anyone more amazing than you. I love you so much, but you'll never understand."

I felt tears run down my face, still struggling to contain my smile. Then I was unexpectedly woken up by Jerome.

"Mitch! Are you okay?!" He seemed so concerned, but why?

"Yeah, im fine biggums... What's wrong?"

"I saw you crying.."

"I'm fine, I just wanna keep sleeping..." He let me be and I fell back asleep, this time he joined me, and I had time to comprehend what just flushed out of him.

He's right, I will never understand, but I can surely return the favor. After awhile I knew he was sleeping, so I got up and checked on how many more days, until his present got here. I was more sure than ever about the gift. But I thought about something better, I left him a note.


Went to the store to get food, you were running low... Be back soon, don't worry, im only 10 minutes away.

Love, Mitch

I seemed it was a good idea to tell his which one. Jerome always got nervous when I was gone, and he was around to stop me. I never knew why, but I finally understood.

He doesn't want to loose me, and he never will. I got my jacket and my keys, and let the house. When I got to the store, I picked up some discounted chocolate from valentines day. He wouldn't care because this wasn't supposed to be special, just some chocolate, for my fuzzy bacca.

Then I wondered over to the card section. A short, female worker, about my age walked over to me. She had Bright blonde hair, and green eyes to match.

"Is there anything I can help you with, cutie?"

"Um, sure. I need to find a card for my girlfriend...." I didn't want to say boyfriend, well, because we weren't together. Also, I didn't expect there to be any love card for gays. She showed me all the cards, and I found the most perfect one. It had a picture of a fluffy puppy, that looked like a bacca.

I knew this was the one. I went to check out, the ran back home. When I arrived home, I expected Jerome to be up. But he was still sound asleep on the couch, must not have gotten any sleep last night. I tore up the note and threw it away, because it served no purpose anymore.

I ran upstairs and started writing. I wrote down all his feeling, word for word. They were to precious not to remember.

I jotted down the sweet love note that he spilled out. I don't know who's his was for, but no doubt mine for him. 

The card was pretty much maxed out of the word capacity, but it was perfect. I walked back down stairs to see Jerome, barley lifting his head up, making a smirk appear on his face...

((Did I do good? Was this one good. I really don't know... Guess what, you just read... 1186 words!! Anyways I HOPE you liked it. Leave a comment, make a vote, aaaaaaaaand as always.... Read on my little bells!))

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