Chapter 13: Where Am I?

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I woke up in the most serene place. I opened my eyes to a brand new world. I didn't know where I was... But that didn't matter. All that mattered is that Jerome wasn't with me.

Wait what am I saying... Oh wait I know EXACTLY what I'm saying. I told him how I felt and he just, blew me off. Like I was nothing. Like I didn't matter to him anymore. But that couldn't be true, could it?

I forgot all about the on-going war in my mind, as soon as I laid eyes on my surroundings. There were tons of trees. I waltz over to one and began to climb. But I soon realized I couldn't climb, none the less I was breaking the tree. With my hands? My blocky hands?! This cant be real. I must be dreaming... Just dreaming.

The last thing I remember was going to the lake with Jerome.

Then we got flirty together.

After that I told him that I loved him. He never returned the words.

Lastly we were driving back to Jerome's house... That's it. That's as far back as I remember.

Just as I was thinking this couldn't get any weirder, I started to hear voices. I don't know if they're the crazy ones that send you to the hospital, or genuine voice from above. I decided they were just voices from outside my body. But why wouldn't I be able to make contact or respond to them. I looked around seeing no one but my self.

I shook my head, and ventured deeper into the jungle.

After what seemed to be an hour, I stumbled upon a village. Seeing all the villagers reminded me of the squidward resemblance that the ones in Minecraft had. They had the same blocky appearance as me, including their huge noses, and annoying "Hmphs" that the repeat over and over again. Maybe that's the voices I was hearing.

I passed through the village, brushing past bushes and trees. I realized I would be here for a while, so my instincts kicked in and I went for a tree. I began pounding my fist against the tree, and made my first of many crafting tables.

I quickly found a cave, and make myself a wooden pick, followed by a stone one. After that I continued down, engulfing myself farther into the cave.

~o~O~o~ Time skip 1 week (real life time not Mitch time) ~o~O~o~

I've been here for about a month and I had gathered enough iron to make a full set of armor, and on my way to making diamond armor. I also mined up almost enough obsidian to make a nether portal, but I'll do that later.

I finally emerged from the cave, and punched a few more oak, birch, and spruce trees on the way. Hoping that I can find a suitable place to start building my home.

I walk for what seems like a day, but knowing Minecraft time really only 20 minutes. I came to a clearing in the middle of the woods. Great for hunting. Also there are lots of cows around, which means... Endless food supply!

I kill a few cows, and pull out my crafting table. Being a jokester and all, I make some boot-with-the-fur, to replace my iron ones. But they will be taken off when I have full diamond.

I turn almost all my wood into wooden planks, and begin to build my house. Luckily dawn had just rose across the land, so no monsters were going to nom on me or attack me. It took me about two Minecraft days to fully finish my house, and I didn't die during the process. For the finishing touch I placed down my bed, setting my spawn point.

I went back into the mine to fetch the last three pieces if obsidian that I needed for the nether portal. I shoveled a few gravel piles and got flint to make flint and steel. I raced back to my house, and finished the frame work.

"Now for the final touch."

After that was said, I light the portal. Making the purple translucent wall appeared, with little particles floating around everywhere. Filling up most of my house with the annoying sound it makes. I jump in and it takes me to the hell realm. Better known as The Nether.

~o~O~o~ Time skip 10 Minecraft minutes ~o~O~o~

I've finally found a Nether fortress. I get my diamond pick ready including my diamond sword and nerpole up the side wall. Getting near the top, I pull out my pickaxe and break the side wall. I place a piece of cobble down, so I can walk in with out trying to jump and potential having the chance to fall. Below me is the large pools of doom, also known as lava. I barricade off the hole in the wall with some more cobble.

When I walk in, I'm instantly greeted my a zombie pigman who's holding his sword close to my face. But I know better than to not hit them, so I carry on down the hallway. I find a blaze spawner. Exactly what I need. I get out my diamond sword, ready to kill.

I come out alive with ten blaze rods in my inventory. I now have to make my way back to the portal. Luckily I didn't travel too far away.

~o~O~o~ Time skip 10 Minecraft minutes again ~o~O~o~

I finally found my portal, but to my surprise the portal was broken. I guess when I stepped out the ghasts were targeting me and shot a fire ball. But instead of hitting me, it hit the portal. Didn't break any blocks, but it did break the purple mist coming from the frame. I'm glad that I brought an extra flint and steel. I light up the portal and jump inside.

When I got home, I ran to my chest and grabbed my ender pearls. Then I proceeded to my crafting table. When I was finished I had about 20 Eye of Ender's to guide me to the End portal.

I started tossing them in the air one by one. I eventually found it, only having about 12 left on my. Perfect amount. I started to dig down and after a few minutes of digging I had found the portal. I immediately went to break the silver fish spawner. After that was done, I went up to the portal placing down the 12 Eye of Ender's around the portal accordingly.

When I placed down the last one, the portal light up and I jumped in. Sending myself to the end.

I spawned on a small platform of end stone. I used the last of my cobble to make my way up to the top. I was greeted by tons of ender man. I quickly ran towards the middle cocking back my bow which I was armed with. And I had about 2 stacks of arrows.

I began to shoot down all the healing stations around me. When I was finally down, I still had about 1 and a half stacks left. The Ender Dragon using full force came crashing down towards me. I ducked only to jump back up after words shooting him in the butt. I made a small squeal escape its mouth. After firing off the other half of my arrows I had him down to half health. He began to dive bomb me, and I would take hard swings with my sword at him.

I eventually got him down to the last hit being his final breath. He dive bombed me one last time and I swung my sword with full force at his head. The dragon froze and began to dissolve into thin air. Leaving behind tons of XP and the way of here. The portal. I began soaking in all the XP, and realized it wouldn't matter when I was out of here.

I climbed to the top of the portal, saying my last good byes to the Ender men around me. I kissed my finger tips, and placed them on the egg on the portal tip.

"Have a nice life, and don't forget me."

Then I jumped.

((Hehehe.... Cliff hanger! Ok so you might think this is late. But it is still on Sunday. My wifi has been really bad, and this was hard to save. HOLY POOP!! We are like so close on getting 500 reads!! Do you know how big that is! So lets gives some votes to this, and also comment some suggestions. I may also add in some people, so you can tell me your info in the comments. ANNNYWAAAYS... Read on my little bells!))

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