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It was just a regular Saturday, Taylor had a break from tour and was in Travis' house. It was the best decision to stay home with everyone knowing she was spending her break in Kansas with her boyfriend. He was at practice so she thought she would bake him something nice for when he gets back. She settled on sugar cookies.

She heard a noise from the hallway, just outside the kitchen

"What the fuck?", she mumbled to herself as she ventured through and out of the kitchen. She turned the corner to see an unfamiliar individual.

"Who are you?" she asked, with a confused and shaken expression. There stood a man, aged around 40, in a black jacket and dark blue bottoms. He looked quite dirty like he had been outside for quite a long time. He has a beard, quite like Travis' brother, Jason, but messier and less tame. He stood there, just smiling at her.

He didn't answer her question, so she asked again "I said who are you?"

"Hello wife" She took a few steps back, into the kitchen, taken aback by his greeting. She just stared at him, unsure of what to do or how he got in.

She has had weird greetings in the past, a man went into one of her apartments while she wasn't there and slept in her bed, but security handled that, and she wasn't home. This time she was here, alone.

Her hands were shaking, he was slowly creeping closer, it was freaking her out even more than she already was. "Can you get out?" She asked, with as much decency as she could have in that moment.

Taylor looked around for her phone, spotting it on top of the microwave. It was a few steps away, and she would have to turn her back. She was scared, having no clue what to do to keep herself safe. She was completely conflicted.

it was the only thing she could do, she turned around grabbed her phone, and ran into the guest bedroom. Their bedroom was upstairs. She locked the door and could hear a slight stomping from outside.

As fast as she could with her shaking hands, she called security. They said they would be here soon so she took this time to call Travis. The phone rang 4 times before he picked up.


Travis had just gotten off practice and was entering the locker room. He opened his locker and took his towel to take a shower. Just as he was about to close it, his phone started buzzing in his cargo pockets.

He looked at the screen and realised it was his girlfriend, Taylor. He looked confused, she never calls him at practice, unless it was an emergency. He instantly swiped to answer and held it up to his ear.

"Hey baby, you alright" he spoke as he brought it to his ear. A small sound was heard from the other line, it sounded like Taylor's breathing but shallow.

"Taylor, you there?"

He could hear very small sobs, and then came a voice, whispering. "Travis?"

"Yes baby, I'm here, you okay?"

she is heard taking a deep breath. "Security is on the way to your house, Do you mind leaving early?"

"Security is coming?" He gasps as he listens to his panicked girlfriend on the phone. There must be something seriously wrong for security to be on the way.


Taylor is crying softly through the phone, hoping either Travis or security gets here soon. She can hear Travis gathering his things.

"There's a man in here, he broke in. I think he thinks I'm his wife"

She can hear Travis gasp through his phone, she can hear that he is now outside of the stadium, walking to his car.

"Where are you now? Are you somewhere safe?" He asks with urgency

She nods, although he can't see her. "Yeah, yes I am, I'm, I'm in the guest bedroom, the doors locked but he knows where I am"

he takes a deep breath, she can hear movements of him getting into the car "Okay, I want you to stay where you are. Security will get him, I'll be there in 5, okay?"


Taylor hangs up the phone so Travis can get here quickly, she is up against the door when she hears voices outside, security has arrived.

she listens to the muffled voices and a big clash. She hears one of her security speak "This wasn't a very good idea, was it now?"

Taylor can hear the man struggling against security, but then the struggling stops and the front door slams shut. There is a knock on the doors

"Taylor, you in here?"

She takes a quick breath "Who is it?"

"Security" She took a deep breath of relief and opens the door, as she does so, Travis comes running in. She falls into his arms.

I might make a part 2 to this, but idk. I hope you all like my first one shot!!!

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