in honour

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This chapter is about Taylor finding out about the Southport incident. This was none of her fault and I have no idea why people blamed her for it, she is literally in a different country. Living in England, this has had a big impact on society, there have been riots and lives have been put at risk.
My heart goes out to the families of the victims, along with the heroic dance teachers who risked their lives to save the children who escaped.

"Taylor, honey?" Taylor looked towards the door where her name was shouted, Tree appeared in the doorway.

Taylor had locked herself in her hotel room, and Tree had no idea why. Tree thought it would be a good idea to leave her for an hour, but she didn't come out of there. She was performing in 2 hours, night one in Warsaw, Poland.

It was obvious that Taylor had been crying and for quite a long time at that. Tree could see that from the red rash around her eyes.

"Taylor, what happened?" she questioned as she sat on the bed beside Taylor, who was now avoiding eye contact. Taylor just reached for her phone and went to the recent breaking news page.

Tree gasped as she saw the latest thing going on in the UK, but one thing stood out massively and is clearly what has upset Taylor; 'The attack took place at a taylor swift themed event at a dance school, in northwest England, three young girls have been confirmed dead from the knife attack.'

Tree instantly put Taylor's phone away from her, and wrapped her arms around the younger girl.

"Sh, sh, don't blame yourself, sweetie" Tree reassured her as she continued to sob. Tree rested a hand on the back of Taylor's head as she stroked her head, in an attempt to soothe her.

It was 10 minutes of just leaving her to let out her emotions, Tree giving her the comfort she needed. Taylor soon gathered herself and lifted her head, wiping her eyes and sniffling slightly.

"I'm okay, I'm fine" she whispered, but it didn't look like she was okay, she was breathing rather irregularly, and it was picking up.

Tree noticed this change in her breathing and approached her again calmly. "Taylor, honey, you're having a panic attack. Where have you put your medication?"

Taylor pointed with one hand to the drawer beside her, while the other went to her chest. Tree quickly scrambled to the drawer, pulling out a anti anxiety pill from the clear bottle.

"Taylor, open up sweetheart" Tree instructed. Taylor did as she was told and Tree slid the pill down her throat, it cleared her airways slightly and her breathing began to calm gradually. Tree rubbed her back "That's it, sweetie, well done, do you want me to call Travis?"

Travis was on his way to her show, on a plane, but he should have landed and should be on the hour's drive to the hotel. Taylor immediately nodded, clearly wanting her boyfriend's comfort. Tree nodded in agreement and grabbed Taylor's phone, dialling Travis's number.

Travis picked up in an instant, believing it was Taylor calling him. "Hey baby, you alright?"

"Travis, it's Tree, how long will you be?"

"I'm 10 minutes away from the hotel, Where's Taylor?"

"Something happened, she's just had a panic attack, I don't think she should be allowed to perform" Taylor heard this and began to shake her head.

Travis replied "Is she okay? Has she focused on her breathing? Has she taken her meds?"

"Yes, yes, she is alright, but I think she needs some downtime to relax."

"I will be right there."

With that, Tree was satisfied and hung up, turning to Taylor once again and within 15 minutes, she was in Travis's arms, asleep.

25 minutes passed, and Tree popped her head in again. Travis looked up at her, a bit startled. "Yes?"

"I think I'm cancelling the show tonight."

Travis knew there was no point in arguing, Tree knows whats in Taylors best interest. He simply nods, not wanting to disturb Taylor. She has had a hard time processing the news of the horrible incident, so it's best if she rests. Tree leaves a box of chocolates on the bedside table and quietly exits the room.

Travis remains holding Taylor in his arms for the rest of the evening.

I dislike this section, but I hope most of you like it. I am considering writing a sequel with Taylor waking up, realising she had missed her concert. Please let me know if that's what you would want.

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